Florida Writers Association’s 2024 Collection 16, Metamorphosis, is filled with
works that deal with the heartfelt memories left when love, relationships, and even
one’s own self is lost: A young Black man loses his pigmentation and has to
redefine himself in Haitian society. A woman is brushed by the wings of her friend
who’s passed. Then there are stories of hope: A boy with Down syndrome finds his
sense of self in a Maine nighttime sky filled with stars, filled with hope. A woman
working in a food pantry learns that her problems are but minor irritations when
she puts them in perspective against those who have nothing to eat.
Founded in 2001, Florida Writers Association (FWA) is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit
dedicated to serve as a premier resource for writers at every stage of their journey.
In keeping with our motto of ‚writers helping writers, ‚ FWA’s mission is to
provide writers with knowledge, opportunities, and connections to support their