Autor: Francis Ellingwood Abbot

Francis Ellingwood Abbot (1836–1903) was an American philosopher and theologian renowned for his scholarly contributions to the debate on free religion and his challenges to the traditionalist theological viewpoints of his time. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School and a zealous proponent of theistic rationalism, Abbot fervently advocated for what he called „scientific theism.“ His work was characterized by a commitment to reconciling scientific inquiry with religious faith, a theme evident throughout his literary corpus. Among his notable works, „Professor Royce“s Libel“ stands out as a particularly incisive critique, within which Abbot engages with the ideas of his contemporary, the philosopher Josiah Royce. In this piece, Abbot addresses perceived misrepresentations of his own views on truth and reality put forth by Royce, utilizing the text as a platform for elucidating his own philosophical stance while also illustrating his literary depth and intellectual rigor. The controversy surrounding this publication further cemented Abbot“s reputation as a fearless intellectual willing to challenge academic consensus and defend his principles with both passion and precision. His contributions to the discourse on religion and logic remain significant within the annals of American philosophy and theology.

2 Ebooks von Francis Ellingwood Abbot

Francis Ellingwood Abbot: Professor Royce’s Libel
Professor Royce’s Libel, written by Francis Ellingwood Abbot, is a thought-provoking and controversial work that delves into the concept of academic freedom within the context of a university …
FRANCIS ELLINGWOOD ABBOT: A Public Appeal For Redress To The Corporation And Overseers Of Harvard University.
The first number of a new quarterly periodical, the "International Journal of Ethics, " published at Philadelphia in October, 1890, contained an ostensible review by Dr. Royce of my last …