The approachable, comprehensive guide to neurobiology
Neurobiology rolls the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the
nervous system into one complex area of study. Neurobiology For
Dummies breaks down the specifics of the topic in a fun,
easy-to-understand manner. The book is perfect for students in a
variety of scientific fields ranging from neuroscience and biology
to pharmacology, health science, and more. With a complete overview
of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the nervous system,
this complete resource makes short work of the ins and outs of
neurobiology so you can understand the details quickly.
Dive into this fascinating guide to an even more fascinating
subject, which takes a step-by-step approach that naturally builds
an understanding of how the nervous system ties into the very
essence of human beings, and what that means for those working and
studying in the field of neuroscience. The book includes a complete
introduction to the subject of neurobiology.
* Gives you an overview of the human nervous system, along with a
discussion of how it’s similar to that of other animals
* Discusses various neurological disorders, such as strokes,
Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia
* Leads you through a point-by-point approach to describe the
science of perception, including how we think, learn, and
Neurobiology For Dummies is your key to mastering this
complex topic, and will propel you to a greater understanding that
can form the basis of your academic and career success.
Introduction 1
Part I: Getting Started with Neurobiology 5
Chapter 1: Welcome to the World of Neurobiology 7
Chapter 2: Building Neurons from Molecules 23
Chapter 3: Gating the Membrane: Ion Channels and Membrane Potentials 47
Chapter 4: Sending Signals: Chemical Release and Electrical Activation 67
Part II: Neuroanatomy: Organizing the Nervous System 83
Chapter 5: Movement Basics: Muscles and Motor Neurons 85
Chapter 6: The Spinal Cord and the Autonomic Nervous System 101
Chapter 7: The Busy Brain: Brainstem, Limbic System, Hypothalamus, and Reticular Formation 123
Chapter 8: Generating Behavior: Basal Ganglia, Thalamus, Motor Cor tex, and Frontal Cor tex 145
Chapter 9: Topping It Off: The Neocortex 159
Part III: Perceiving the World, Thinking, Learning, and Remembering 183
Chapter 10: Looking at Vision and Hearing 185
Chapter 11: Feeling, Smelling, and Tasting 211
Chapter 12: Memory and Learning 233
Chapter 13: The Frontal Lobes and Executive Brain 253
Chapter 14: Language, Intelligence, Emotions, and Consciousness 265
Part IV: Developmental, Neurological, and Mental Disorders and Treatments 283
Chapter 15: Developing the Brain and Nervous System 285
Chapter 16: Movement Disorders 309
Chapter 17: Brain Dysfunction and Mental Illness 325
Chapter 18: Making Better Brains 341
Part V: The Part of Tens 355
Chapter 19: The Ten Most Important Brain Circuits 357
Chapter 20: Ten Technologies Revolutionizing Brain Science 365
Index 373
Über den Autor
Frank Amthor, Ph D, is a professor of psychology at the
University of Alabama and holds a secondary appointment in the UAB
Medical School Department of Neurobiology. He has been an
NIH-supported researcher for over 20 years and has published over
100 journal articles and conference abstracts.