In September 2009 Christina Weidinger founded diabla media Verlag, a Vienna-based publishing house where she is a managing partner. Diabla media Verlag is an international business publisher with a portfolio that includes business media for specific target groups, eg the European business magazine SUCCEED, Vienna City Guide, and Unternehmer, a business magazine for Austria’s self-employed elite. Further, diabla media Verlag specialises in corporate publishing and produces high-quality magazines such as Skylines, Qatar and special issues of SUCCEED. In December 2011 Weidinger founded the Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award (SEA). The SEA aims to achieve a synergy of politics, industry and society on the topic of sustainability. It showcases companies who are making important contributions to Sustainable Entrepreneurship.The actions of Sustainable Entrepreneurs and organisations are just as future oriented as the core principle of sustainability. This is why the SEA is endorsed by renowned experts and organizations. Dr. Franz Fischler is the chairman of the RISE-Foundation, Brussels, and a consultant for several governments and the OECD.He holds eight honorary doctorates, the high ranking Austrian medal for special merits, and various awards. He was a member of the EU Commission responsible for agriculture and rural development. He started his career as a university assistant at the Department for Regional Agricultural Planning at the Institute for Farm management in Vienna. Afterwards he was appointed director of the Chamber of Agriculture and became Member at the ALPI dairy factory and Raiffeisen bank, Tyrol. Before he was elected Member of the Austrian National Parliament (Nationalrat), he was involved in the preparations of the Austrian agriculture and forestry sector to join the EU as Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
Dr. René Schmidpeter is the academic head of the Centre for Humane Market Economy (“Zentrum für humane Marktwirtschaft”) in Salzburg, member of the Club of Rome (Austrian Chapter) and member of the Jury for the Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award (SEA). He teaches CSR and Sustainability at several business schools and universities in Europe. He studied business administration, applied European studies, social ethics and social politics in Germany, Great Britain and the USA. For more than ten years he has worked and done research in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainability. He is Section Editor of the CSR Encyclopaedia and Editor of several publications on Corporate Social Responsibility with Springer: e.g. “Social Innovation” (2013), „Corporate Social Responsibility – Verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung in Theorie und Praxis“ (2012); „Handbuch Corporate Citizenship“ (2008) and „CSR across Europe“ (2005).
11 Ebooks von Franz Fischler
Christina Weidinger & Franz Fischler: Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Sustainable Entrepreneurship stands for a business driven concept of sustainability which focusses on increasing both social as well as business value – so called Shared Value. This book shows why an …
Franz Cede & Christian Prosl: Ambition and Reality
The authors‘ analysis sheds light on Austria’s foreign policy after the Second World war and offers insights into recent developments based on many years of experience in the diplomatic service. This …
Franz Fischler & Ferdinand Schlemmer: Anleitung zur Harnuntersuchung
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quelle …
Franz Fischler: Physiologie und Pathologie der Leber Nach ihrem Heutigen Stande
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quelle …
S. Walter Souci & Siegfried Walter Souci: Anleitung zum Praktikum der analytischen Chemie in drei Teilen
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quelle …
Andrea Sihn-Weber & Franz Fischler: CSR und Klimawandel
Wie begegnen Unternehmen dem Klimawandel? Dieses Buch zeigt es Ihnen! Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen einen Einblick, wie Sie in der wirtschaftlichen Praxis dem Klimawandel entgegenwirken und erfolgreich mi …
Franz Fischler: Die Kraft der Mitte
Gemeinsam für Europa: Eine Politiker-Biografie im Zeichen des Miteinanders Aus der Vergangenheit lernen und ihre Folgen nicht ignorieren. Politisch Andersdenkende nicht pauschal als Gegner und Feinde …