TOGETHER AGAIN is a tale of the journey of two early-bonded then separated parakeets, Carlos and Angelina, and two bonded caretakers who also become separated. With both birds and humans following their hearts, this love drama is another bird book to take under ones wing.
Über den Autor
(Charles) George Griffith, like the characters in TOGETHER AGAIN, has also been called a nomad and a pilgrim. He has a B.S.ED from the University of Missouri and a M.S.EE from San Jose State and is a member of the Reno area Lahontan Audubon Society. He has published two other books, MUSICAL BIRDS OF NEVADA and THE WORLD AT CHRISTMAS, POEMS AND SONNETS BY FRANK KURZ. He has a telecommunications engineering and planning career involving international posts and travel. He has enjoyed many birding trips in the Reno-Tahoe area, his home of 23 years. He and his wife, Suzanne, live in Reno, Nevada.