Professor Gerald Esch has already published two books in what is becoming an informal series of essays exploring the way that discoveries about the biology of parasites have influenced ecological and evolutionary theories over a career that has spanned nearly 50 years. This book will be the third set of essays and will focus on key moments of discovery and explore how these achievements were due to collaboration, mentoring, and community building within the field of ecological parasitology. The book will not only describe case studies, pure science and biology but also act as a career guide for early-career ecologists emphasizing the importance of collaboration in the advancement of science.
Preface viii
Acknowledgments xi
The Players xii
1 The Beginning 1
2 The End of the Beginning 18
3 Gull Lake and the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station 28
4 Gull Lake and the Connection with the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory 40
5 Development of Some Conceptual Notions 52
6 The Pond: Part I 62
7 The Pond: Part II 79
8 The Big Lake 92
9 The Strigeids 104
10 Some Small Streams and Small Ponds 112
11 Red Sore Disease 121
12 The End, Almost 131
13 The Catastrophic Collapse of the Larval Trematode Component Community in Charlie’s Pond (North Carolina) 144
14 An Epilogue: What’s Involved with Graduate School? 155
Über den Autor
Professor Gerald W Esch, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC, USA; Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Parasitology (American Society of Parasitologists).