Autor: Gerd Plewig

Gerd Plewig served as Professor and Chairman at the Department of Dermatology, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany from 1991 to 2006. His other academic appointments have included Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, University of Düsseldorf, and Medical Director, Clinical Center, School of Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich. Dr. Plewig has been an author or editor of numerous previous books and has served on the editorial and advisory boards of many journals. He has received various awards and honors, including several Gold Medals from the American Academy of Dermatology. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians London (FRCP) in 1997, and was awarded the title Doctor of Medicine honoris causa by the Charles University Prague, Czech Republic 2002; Medical University Wroclaw, Poland 2005; and the Comenius University of Bratislawa, Slovakia 2007. Bodo Melnik is an Associate Professor at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, where he has taught dermatology, trichology and cosmetology since 1991. A member of the European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR), Dr. Melnik has been trained in lipid research as a visiting scientist at the Cardiovascular Research Institute, UCSF, USA, and subsequently worked as head of the lipid research laboratory of the Department of Dermatology at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany. After completing his teaching qualification as a professor, Dr. Melnik was awarded the Felix-Hoppe-Seyler Prize by the German Society for Laboratory Medicine. Since 1990, he has been working as senior dermatologist in his outpatient clinical practice in Gütersloh. Dr. Melnik is coeditor of the Journal of Translational Medicine and author of more that 100 articles and book chapters in international medical journals. His research interests include acne, rosacea, lipid and milk metabolism, and nutrition. Wen Chieh Chen is the former head of a dermatology department in Taiwan​ and senior consultant in dermatology of various university hospitals in Germany. Most recently he ​has been working at the Technical University and Ludwig Maximilian University, both in Munich, Germany. ​His major interest and research field is hormone-mediated skin disorders. Since​ 2016 he has served at the IZZ-Immunologie Zentrum Zürich​ and Medi X Praxis in Zürich, Switzerland. During his clinical practice in dermatology and venereology, he had the opportunity to ​teach as an adjunct​ professor at the Technical University of Munich​ and as visiting professor in many universities throughout China​.

17 Ebooks von Gerd Plewig

Gerd Plewig & Bodo Melnik: Plewig and Kligman´s Acne and Rosacea
This book is a richly illustrated account of the clinical features, microscopic anatomy, and management of acne, acne-like disorders, and rosacea. The coverage includes all aspects of these diseases, …
Otto Braun-Falco & Gerd Plewig: Dermatologie und Venerologie
Dermatologie und Venerologie: Das Wissen in einem Buch – Alle relevanten Krankheiten und Syndrome: Dermatologie, Venerologie, Allergologie, Andrologie – Einheitlicher klinischer Aufbau: Ätiopathogene …
Lyubomir A. Dourmishev & Assen Lyubenov Dourmishev: Dermatomyositis
Although dermatomyositis is a rare connective tissue disease, many physicians are confronted with the diagnosis and treatment of patients affected by this condition. Based on the vast personal experi …
Gerd Plewig & Jorg Christoph Prinz: Fortschritte der praktischen Dermatologie und Venerologie
Die Fortbildungswoche für praktische Dermatologie und Venerologie ist zur zentralen Fortbildungsveranstaltung der deutschsprachigen Dermatologen geworden. Alle zwei Jahre wird hier ein für die Praxis …
Albert M. Kligman & Gerd Plewig: Akne und Rosazea
Das Monumentalwerk von Plewig/Kligman ist eine unverzichtbare Informationsquelle für alle Ärzte, die Hautkrankheiten behandeln. Mit prägnanten, didaktisch aufbereiteten Texten und einzigartigem Bildm …
Gerd Plewig & Bernhard Przybilla: Fortschritte der praktischen Dermatologie und Venerologie
Fortschritt durch Fortbildung , das Motto der erfolgreichen Münchner Fortbildungswochen steht auch im Mittelpunkt dieses Jubiläumsbandes. Didaktisch hervorragend aufbereitet und durch die Kasuistiken …
R. Marks & Gerd Plewig: Stratum Corneum
The stratum corneum is a magnificent example of the successful adaptation of a tissue. Its efficient function is a prerequisite for life itself. We depend on its control of the movement of water thro …
Ronald Marks & Gerd Plewig: Skin Models
In the last fifty years dramatic progress has been made in the under- standing of skin and skin diseases. Although we are still someway off understanding the ultimate causes of such disorders as psor …
Wolfgang Pfutzner & Gerd Plewig: Der Okklusivverband
Die Beeinflussung mikroklimatischer Faktoren der Haut unter einem Plastik-Okklusivverband stellt eine sehr wirksame Therapiemodifikation bei der Behandlung chronisch-entzündlicher (Ekzeme) oder hyper …
Albert M. Kligman & Gerd Plewig: ACNE and ROSACEA
"One Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words" CONFUCIUS The material on which this account is based derives from observations of several thousand of adolescents with acne. All have been treated; …
Otto Braun-Falco & Walter H.C. Burgdorf: Dermatology
Dermatology covers all the classical and related fields of dermatology, providing a wealth of information on clinical features, pathophysiology, and differential diagnosis. Approximately 950 excellen …
Otto Braun-Falco & Gerd Plewig: Dermatology
"Dermatology" covers all the classical and related fields of dermatology, providing a wealth of infor- mation on clinical features, pathophysiology, and differen- tial diagnosis. Approximat …
Lars French & Michael Hertl: Braun-Falco’s Dermatology
The standard textbook of Dermatology and Allergy in new edition! The 4th edition of the "Braun-Falco Textbook", an international standard text of dermatology, allergy and sexually transmitt …
Michael Hertl & Roland Kaufmann: Braun-Falco’s Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie
Die 7. Auflage von Braun-Falco´s Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie konzentriert in bewährter Form die wichtigen Informationen des Fachgebiets auf das Nötigste und stellt eine herausragende p …