Autor: Grace Hui Yang

Jun Wang is a Reader in Computer Science, University College London, and the Founding Director of MSc Web Science and Big Data Analytics. His main research interests are in the areas of information retrieval, data mining and online advertising. He was a recipient of the Beyond Search award sponsored by Microsoft Research, US, in 2007; he also received the Best Doctoral Consortium award in ACM SIGIR06 for his work on collaborative filtering, the Best Paper Prizes in ECIR09 and ECIR12 for information retrieval, and the Best Paper Prize in ADKDD14 for computational advertising. He is also one of the recipients of Yahoo! FREP award 2014. He is an Area Chair of ACM SIGIR05 and has been a Senior PC member of ACM CIKM since 2012.

1 Ebooks von Grace Hui Yang

Krisana Chinnasarn & Zhicheng Dou: Information Retrieval Technology
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th Information Retrieval Societies Conference, AIRS 2017, held in Jeju, Korea, in November 2017. The 17 full papers presented were carefully re …