J.R.R. Tolkien’s novels of Middle-earth – The
Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and The
Silmarillian – have become some of the most
famous, and most beloved, literary works of the twentieth century.
And the Lord of the Rings films by director Peter Jackson
have re-ignited interest in Tolkien and his works, as well as
introduced his stories to a new generation of fans.
Even if you’ve never read the novels and have only seen the
films, you know that the world of Middle-earth is a complicated
one. Tolkien took great care in representing this world, from
creating new languages to including very particular cultural
details that add to the richness of the world’s fabric. Many other
books have been written about Tolkien and his works, but none have
come close to providing the kind of reference needed to comprehend
the world of Middle-earth. That’s what veteran Dummies
author and unabashed Tolkien fan Greg Harvey attempts to do in
The Origins of Tolkien’s Middle-earth For Dummies.
As the author says in his introduction to the book, this is not
an encyclopedia or quick guide to all the diverse beings,
languages, and history that make up Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Nor is
it a set of plot outlines for the novels. Rather, what you’ll find
in The Origins of Tolkien’s Middle-earth For Dummies is a
basic guide to some of the possible linguistic and mythological
origins of Middle-earth, plus a rudimentary analysis of its many
themes and lessons for our world. This book can help enrich your
reading (or re-reading) of Tolkien’s novels, and it will challenge
you to think about the themes inherent in Tolkien’s Middle-earth
and their implications in your own life.
Here’s just a sampling of the topics you’ll find covered in
The Origins of Tolkien’s Middle-earth For Dummies:
* Exploring the main themes in Tolkien’s works, including
immortality and death; the heroic quest; love; fate and free will;
and faith and redemption
* Investigating the diverse lands of
Middle-earth – including the Shire, Gondor, and
Mordor – and their significance
* Examining the different cultures of Middle-earth, such as
Hobbits, Elves, Men, and those wily Wizards
* Touring the history of Middle-earth
* Understanding Tolkien’s creation of new languages to enrich the
story of Middle-earth
* Top Ten lists on the battles in the War of the Ring, online
resources, and the ways the films differ from the novels
So, whether you’re reading Tolkien’s novels or watching the
films for the first time, or you’ve been a fan for many years and
are looking for a new take on Tolkien’s works, The Origins of
Tolkien’s Middle-earth For Dummies can help you enhance your
reading or viewing experience for years to come.
Foreword xvii
Introduction 1
Part I: The Geography of Middle-earth 7
Chapter 1: The Worlds of Middle-earth 9
Chapter 2: The Lands of Middle-earth and Beyond 21
Part II: The Beings of Middle-earth 45
Chapter 3: The Divine Ainur 47
Chapter 4: The Fair Race of Elves 57
Chapter 5: The Mortal Race of Men 73
Chapter 6: The Hardy Race of Dwarves 95
Chapter 7: Those Homespun Hobbits 109
Chapter 8: The Wily Wizards 129
Chapter 9: Beorn, Tom Bombadil, and Treebeard 139
Chapter 10: The Enemy and His Minions 149
Part III: The History of Middle-earth 167
Chapter 11: The Valarian Ages 169
Chapter 12: The First Three Ages and Then Some 177
Part IV: The Languages of Middle-earth 187
Chapter 13: Tolkien and Language 189
Chapter 14: The Tongues of Tolkien 199
Part V: The Themes and Mythology of Middle-earth 211
Chapter 15: The Struggle Between Good and Evil 213
Chapter 16: Immortality and Death 219
Chapter 17: The Heroic Quest 233
Chapter 18: Chivalry and True Love 247
Chapter 19: Fate and Free Will 257
Chapter 20: Faith and Redemption 269
Chapter 21: Ring-related Myths 277
Chapter 22: Ecological Themes 287
Chapter 23: Sex and Gender 293
Part VI: The Part of Tens 301
Chapter 24: Top Ten Battles in the War of the Ring 303
Chapter 25: Top Ten Online Middle-earth Resources 309
Chapter 26: Top Ten Ways The Lord of the Rings Books Differ from the Movies 313
Index 319
Über den Autor
Greg Harvey is a language scholar who has traced the roots of Tolkien’s work in European folklore and pre-Christian religious beliefs. He has studied 12 languages, including Elvish, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon.