Autor: H. S. H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein

Thomas Puschmann is Founder and Executive Director of the Global Center for Sustainable Digital Finance at Stanford University and the University of Zurich, Founder and Director of the Swiss Fin Tech Innovation Lab at the University of Zurich, Co-Founder of the Association Swiss Fin Tech Innovations, Co-Founder of the Swiss Green Fin Tech Network, Co-Founder of Extreme Tech Challenge Switzerland, Member of the Swiss Innovation Council Innosuisse and Professor at the University of the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Before his current position he was heading a financial services research project at the Universities of St. Gallen and Leipzig. Prior to this, Thomas spent five years in consulting and software development, where he was a member of the executive board at ESPRi T Consult-ing (now Q_Perior) and The Information Management Group. H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein is Chairman of the Industrie- und Finanzkontor in Vaduz, Liechtenstein (, a leading trust company with tradition and expertise in long-term and cross-generational wealth preservation. Furthermore, Prince Michael is the founder and chairman of the Vaduz-based geopolitical consulting and information service Geopolitical Intel-ligence Services AG ( and President of the Board of Trustees of the liberal think tank European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation in Vaduz ( He is also a board member of the Liechtenstein Chamber of Trustees ( and the founder of “Der Pragmaticus” a journal focused on long-term developments that shape and change society and nature.

1 Ebooks von H. S. H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein

Thomas Puschmann & H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein: Financial System 2030
The financial system is currently confronted with tremendous challenges from the global economy, trade, politics, demographics, and most recently from enormous technological advancements. These devel …