Jeroen Scheerder is Professor in Sport Policy and Sport Sociology, and Head of the Policy in Sports and Physical Activity Research Group at KU Leuven, Belgium. He was President of the European Association for Sociology of Sport (EASS), and currently acts as Promotor-coordinator of the Policy Research Centre on Sports on behalf of the Flemish Government.
Hanna Vehmas is Senior Lecturer in Sport Sociology and Sport Management at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Currently, she acts as the Secretary General of the European Association for Sociology of Sport (EASS).
Kobe Helsen is Scientific Researcher within the Policy in Sports and Physical Activity Research Group at KU Leuven, Belgium. His main research interests are in the field of the societal impact of sport events and governance issues in local football clubs and sport federations.
3 Ebooks von Hanna Vehmas
Antti Laine & Hanna Vehmas: The Private Sport Sector in Europe
This book outlines the private sport sector in different European countries. Sport in the European countries is organized in three distinct sectors. These are the state/public sector, which provides …
Jeroen Scheerder & Hanna Vehmas: The Rise and Size of the Fitness Industry in Europe
This book explores the rise, size and shape of the European fitness industry by using harmonised data as well as in-depth analyses of national surveys in fifteen European countries. Following an intr …
Kirstin Hallmann & Suvi Heikkinen: Management of Sport Organizations at the Crossroad of Responsibility and Sustainability
This edited volume evaluates how sport organizations in the public, private, and non-profit sectors define responsible management and sustainability and what these mean in their daily operations. Usi …