Tullo Vigevani is Emeritus Professor of Political Science and International Relations at São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil. He has published articles in Journals of many countries (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, China, Israel, United States, Italy, France, etc) chapters and 14 books, as author or editor. He is a Researcher at the Center for Contemporary Culture Studies (CEDEC) and at the National Institute of Science and Technology for Studies of the United States(INCT-INEU). He participates in numerous Editorial Boards. His most frequent subjects of research are regional integration, Brazilian foreign policy, United States and Internationa l Trade Regimes. Haroldo Ramanzini Junior is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), Brazil and a Researcher at the Center for Contemporary Culture Studies (CEDEC) and at the National Institute of Science and Technology for Studies of the United States(INCT-INEU). In 2017-2018 he was a Visiting Scholar at the Harvard Kennedy School. His research interests focus on Brazilian Foreign Policy, Foreign Policy Analysis, Comparative Regionalism and International Institutions.
1 Ebooks von Haroldo Ramanzini Junior
Tullo Vigevani & Haroldo Ramanzini Junior: The Challenges for Building Regional Integration in the Global South
This book analyzes regional integration in South America with a focus on the Mercosur and Brazilian foreign policy from the 1990s. It reviews the history of the Mercosur and identifies the results ac …