Autor: Harry Gould

Caron E. Gentry (Editor) CARON E. GENTRY is a lecturer at the School of International Relations, University of St. Andrews. She is the author of Offering Hospitality: Questioning Christian Approaches to War and, with Laura Sjoberg, coauthor of Mothers, Monsters, Whores: Women’s Violence in Global Politics, and coeditor of Women, Gender, and Terrorism (Georgia). Amy E. Eckert (Editor) AMY E. ECKERT is an associate professor of political science at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. She is coeditor of the essay collection Rethinking the 21st Century: “New” Problems, “Old” Solutions.

5 Ebooks von Harry Gould

Amy E. Eckert & Caron E. Gentry: The Future of Just War
Just War scholarship has adapted to contemporary crises and situations. But its adaptation has spurned debate and conversation—a method and means of pushing its thinking forward. Now the Just War tra …
Harry Gould & Oliver Kessler: Tactical Constructivism, Method, and International Relations
This is a book on methods, how scholars embody them and how working within, from or against Constructivism has shaped that use and embodiment.A vibrant cross-section of contributors write of interdis …
Harry Gould & Oliver Kessler: Tactical Constructivism, Method, and International Relations
This is a book on methods, how scholars embody them and how working within, from or against Constructivism has shaped that use and embodiment.A vibrant cross-section of contributors write of interdis …
Harry Gould: Art of World-Making
On its face, The Art of World-Making focuses on honouring the career of Nicholas Greenwood Onuf and his contributions to the study of international relations; of equal importance, however, while usin …
Harry Gould: Art of World-Making
On its face, The Art of World-Making focuses on honouring the career of Nicholas Greenwood Onuf and his contributions to the study of international relations; of equal importance, however, while usin …