The whispering pines of Hearthhollow hold a secret: their magic is fading, and with it, the heart of the village. Saffron Halloway, the Tea Witch, brews teas infused with the land’s magic – chamomile for frayed nerves, dandelion root for broken bones, rosehip for forgotten dreams. But even Saffron’s potent brews can’t soothe the growing unease. Then, a roar shatters the quiet. Ember, a young dragon whose anxiety burns hotter than their dragonfire, crash-lands in Saff...
The whispering pines of Hearthhollow hold a secret: their magic is fading, and with it, the heart of the village. Saffron Halloway, the Tea Witch, brews teas infused with the land’s magic – chamomile for frayed nerves, dandelion root for broken bones, rosehip for forgotten dreams. But even Saffron’s potent brews can’t soothe the growing unease. Then, a roar shatters the quiet. Ember, a young dragon whose anxiety burns hotter than their dragonfire, crash-lands in Saffron’s herb garden. Their ancestral nesting grounds are dying, and they believe Saffron holds the key to their survival.
Joined by Linden Blackwood, a village scholar haunted by his father’s prophecies of ecological collapse, they embark on a quest to unravel the mystery. Their journey leads them through mist-shrouded mountains and hushed forests to a hidden network of forgotten tea houses. Each witch they encounter reflects the withering magic of their region: Esme Cloud Weaver, whose airy infusions now only summon wisps of fog, and Barnaby Thistlewick, whose teas can no longer coax life from the barren earth.
The withering, the silencing, the isolation – it all points to the Blight, an ancient entity whispering promises of oblivion, awakened by the forgotten god of decay. As Saffron, Ember, and Linden delve deeper, they uncover fragmented recipes and whispers of a lost Symphony of Magic, a power greater than any single witch possesses. But Ember’s fiery temper clashes with Linden’s cautious nature, and Saffron battles growing self-doubt as the Blight’s whispers invade her dreams.
Their journey becomes a crucible, forging their individual struggles into a shared strength. Ember’s protectiveness transforms into fierce loyalty. Linden’s fear gives way to courage. And Saffron recognizes that true magic lies in collective power. At the heart of the withering highlands, they confront their greatest challenge: reuniting the scattered Tea Witches and rekindling the Symphony of Magic to drown out the Blight’s insidious whispers. Can they weave a new melody of magic, fueled by dragonfire and ancient lore, and restore life to the dying land before it succumbs to eternal decay? Or will the whispers of oblivion consume them all?