Henry Kitchell Webster: A Short Biography
PART 1: Short Stories
The Other Story
Inside and Out
The Lover: A Story of Marriage
[Untitled short story]
PART 2: Drama
Bluebeard’s First Wife, or How He Got That Way, A Tragedy in One Act
Little Red Riding Hood, A Drama in One Act
What to Do! A Problem in One Act
PART 3: Correspondence Regarding Novels and Short Story Collections
Novels vs. romances
Regarding The Real Adventure
Regarding The Painted Scene
Regarding The Thoroughbred
Regarding The Sturdy Oak
Regarding Hugh Corbett’s Wife
Regarding Youth for Youth
Regarding Mary Wollaston
Regarding Real Life, Into Which Miss Leda Swan of Hollywood Makes an Adventurous Excursion
Regarding Joseph Greer and His Daughter
Regarding The Innocents
Regarding The Hitching Post
Regarding The Corbin Necklace
Regarding The Beginners
Regarding Philopena, 1927
Regarding The Clock Strikes Two
Regarding The Fourth House
Regarding The Quartz Eye: A Mystery in Ultra Violet
Regarding The Sealed Trunk
Regarding The Man with the Scarred Hand
Regarding Who Is the Next?, 1931
Regarding The Alleged Great-Aunt
PART 4: Essays and Speeches Related to Writing and the Arts
Eulogy for Henry Beach Needham, 1915
On Joining a Union
What Authors and Publishers Are Doing
Eulogy on Bert Leston Taylor
Introduction to a Speech by G.K. Chesterton
What Is a Novel, Anyhow?
A Brace of Definitions and Short Code
Introduction by Webster to Charles Collins’s The Sins of Saint Anthony
An Apology for a New Ideal
The Drama of the Romance and of the Teutonic Nations, by a Play Actor
The Glamor of the Stage
The Kind of Audience You Are
On the Novel
On Detective Stories
Introduction to a speech by Rabindranath Tagore
On Painting
Pride of Possession
PART 5: Miscellaneous Correspondence
PART 6: Articles on Webster
A Portrait and a Sketch of Henry Kitchell Webster
Hold Funeral Rites Today for H.K. Webster. Used Chicago Scene in Many of His Books
Literary Circle Mourns Webster
PART 7: Bibliography of Henry Kitchell Webster’s Novels, Short Stories, Movie Scripts, and Nonfiction Essays
About the Editor