The itinerant sailor Ishmael begins a voyage on the whaling ship Pequod whose captain, Ahab, wishes to exact revenge upon the whale Moby-Dick, who destroyed his last ship and took his leg. As they search for the savage white whale, Ishmael questions all aspects of life. The story is woven in complex, lyrical language and uses many theatrical forms, such as stage direction and soliloquy. It is considered the exemplar of American Romanticism, and one of the greatest American novels of all time.
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Sprache Englisch ● Format EPUB ● Seiten 696 ● ISBN 9781775411925 ● Verlag The Floating Press ● Erscheinungsjahr 2009 ● herunterladbar 6 mal ● Währung EUR ● ID 2414752 ● Kopierschutz Adobe DRM
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