This book contains the results of the researchers presented at this conference, which is supported by German Society of informatics (GI) and other organisations Real-Time Systems Expert Committees. The 43rd Real-Time Systems conference on ‚Automation in Everyday Life‘ is addressing an increasingly important topic in a world that is becoming more and more networked. The solutions presented here range from hardware to system design to individual applications. The target audience is students and researchers in computer science and automation technology (partly electrical engineering), engineers, programmers and users of automation and communication systems.
The Real-Time Systems Archive.- Deadlock detection in Open PEARL.- Taking Real-Time and Virtualization to Open Source Hardware.- Industrie 4.0-Compliant Digital Twins Boosting Machine Servitization.- MBSE for SMEs with Domain-Specific Safety Analyses and Loose Tool Coupling.- Live GNSS Tracking of Search and Rescue Dogs with Lo Ra.- Authentication in P2P Environment based on multi dimensional administration Graph.- Reduction of Overhead for Protocols with Remote Memory Properties.