The Restless Northwest provides a brief, easy-to-follow overview of the geologic processes that shaped the Northwest.
One of the attractions of the Northwest is its varied terrain, from the volcanic Cascade Range to the flood-scoured scablands of eastern Washington and the eroded peaks of the northern Rockies. These vast differences are the result of a collision of the old and the new. The western edge of Idaho was once the edge of ancient North America; as eons passed, a jumble of islands, minicontinents, and sediment piled up against the old continental edge, gradually extending it west to the present coastline.
Figuring out how and when these various land forms came together to create the Northwest took much geological detective work. Unlike many geology books that focus on rocks, The Restless Northwest emphasizes the human drama of geology. The narrative is sprinkled with firsthand accounts of people involved in the exciting geological discoveries made in recent years.
Hill Williams uses an informal conversational style to explain complex processes to a general readership. He enlivens the story of long-ago geologic events with fascinating asides on everything from enormous undersea tube worms to the Willamette meteorite, the largest ever found in the United States. Interested readers will discover much about Pacific Northwest geology without getting bogged down in an overabundance of details and scientific terms. Winner of the 2003 Washington State Book Award.
Table of Contents
Pacific Northwest Geological Timeline
PART I. The Ancient Northwest: A Puzzle Assembled from Around the World
1. A Mirror Image Offshore
2. Beneath a Mile of Water
3. A Continental Split
4. Head Bone Connected to the Toe Bone
5. Wandering Minicontinents
6. Land on the Move: Baja to British Columbia
PART II. The Modern Northwest: The Landscape as We Know It and How It Got That Way
7. Strike-Slip Faults and Leaky Fractures
8. Separating East from West
9. A Deluge of Lava
10. The Ice Age Arrives
11. Glacial Lake Missoula Floods
12. Not If, But When
Pacific Northwest Geological Almanac
Glossary of Geological Terms
Über den Autor
Hill Williams received his bachelor’s degree in journalism and his master’s in communications, both from the University of Washington. He began his journalism career at the Kennewick Courier-Reporter in 1948, and subsequently worked as a writer and reporter in the Seattle area. From 1967 to 1991 he was the science writer for the Seattle Times.