Hiroyuki Matsuda is expertized in mathematical ecology, fisheries management, and environmental risk management. He developed an extinction risk assessment method used in Japanese vascular plant Red List, proposed Japan“s first adaptive wildlife management for Sika Deer Management Plan of Hokkaido Prefecture, and proposed an idea to expand the seasonal fishing-ban area in Shiretoko World Heritage site during a nomination process. He was a leader of Global COE Program „Global Eco-Risk Management from Asian Viewpoints“, past President of the Ecological Society of Japan, past President of the East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies, former President of the Society for Population Ecology, past Chair of the Fisheries Policy Committee of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Sciences, Director of the Japan Society of Ocean Policy. He is the first Japanese Pew Fellow for Marine Conservation since 2007, co-representative of Yokohama Urban Design Center of the Sea, chairperson of Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB (Man and the Biosphere), a Board Member of Earthwatch Japan.
2 Ebooks von Hiroyuki Matsuda
Hiroyuki Matsuda: Ecological Risk Management
This book introduces the theory and practice of ecological risk management. Using recent and live case studies in Japan, the book explains the use of basic mathematical techniques in extinction risk, …
Miguel Clüsener-Godt & Hiroyuki Matsuda: Blue Carbon Mangrove Ecosystems
Blue carbon ecosystems are of tremendous value toward the utilization of high-salinity water, such as seawater, as well as hyper-saline soils, and salt-tolerant biota for the production of bioma …