This book introduces you to the basic rules and principles of statistics and shows you how straightforward statistical tests can be performed and analysed in relation to healthcare.
Key features of the text are:
–Examples which show how statistics are used in the real world
–Exercises to test your understanding and develop your proficiency
–A glossary to remind you of key terms.
–Additional online material including guides to using Microsoft Excel and SPSS and sample datasets.
Statistics for Health Care Research
The Statistical Approach: When Should It Be Applied?
Measuring, Sampling and Error
The Studies
Descriptive Statistics
Displaying Data
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
An Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
Distributions and Probabilities
Making Predictions
Testing for Differences Between Means
Errors and ANOVAs
Not Normal
Non-parametric Tests
Tests for Association: Chi-Square
Tests for Association: Correlation and Regression
How Big a Sample: Power Analysis
Analysing Data from Systematic Reviews
Choosing Test Statistics
Über den Autor
Dr. D. M. Mazhindu is Head of Research Development & Pedagogy at the School of Nursing & Primary Care Practice, Faculty of Health & Applied Social Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University. This strategic role includes: leading the research teaching team in the school, generating & undertaking research & enterprise activity & supporting research capacity & capability through staff development activities, conferences, seminars, international partnership working, supervising Ph D students & research assistants.
Research interests include: Researching Vulnerable Groups, Older People and Aging, Dementia Care, End of Life Care, Emotions at Work, Occupations & Organizations, The Development of Expert Performance, Professional Judgment and Clinical Competence, Qualitative, Critical, Participatory research methods, Statistics & Evidence Based Practice.
Professional interests include: Intensive Care, Acute Medical & Surgical Care, Care of Older People, Work Force & Practice Development, and Improving Service Delivery through Continuing Professional Education (CPE).