Contributor List
NAEYC’s “Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education” Position Statement
Introduction Iliana Alanís, Iheoma U. Iruka, and Susan Friedman
Part 1: Reflections on Equity
Section 1: Reflections on Ourselves
Chapter 1: Looking Inward: Reflections from Early Education Professionals on Their Journey to Reduce Bias and Racism Iheoma U. Iruka, with Anthony Broughton, Michael Gonzalez, Jillian Herink, Steven Hicks, Tamara Johnson, Jen Neitzel, Karen Nemeth, Nicol Russell, and Shannon Wanless
Section 2: Reflections on Our Profession
Chapter 2: Why History? Educating the Early Childhood Workforce for Equity Barbara T. Bowman
Chapter 3: Quality Includes Removing Bias from Early Childhood Education Environments Felicia L. De Haney, Carla Thompson Payton, and Alandra Washington
Chapter 4: Being an Equity Leader John Nimmo, Debbie Lee Keenan, and Louise Derman-Sparks
Chapter 5: Recognizing Shortcomings of a Traditional Professional Knowledge Base Tonia R. Durden and Stephanie M. Curenton
Part 2: Responsive Pedagogical Practices
Chapter 6: Creating Caring Communities in Early Childhood Contexts Garnett S. Booker III
Chapter 7: Focusing on What Really Counts: How Noticing and Appreciating Simple, Ordinary Moments in Early Childhood Care and Education Can Enrich Human Relationships and Promote Professional Equity Junlei Li and Dana Winters
Chapter 8: Developing the Three Cs of Reciprocity Zeynep Isik-Ercan
Chapter 9: What About the Children? Teachers Cultivating and Nurturing the Voice and Agency of Young Children Brian L. Wright
Chapter 10: Equity, Diversity, and Child Development: Implications for Practice Iliana Reyes, Mimi Gray, and Teresa Acevedo
Chapter 11: Equitable Learning Opportunities for Young Bilingual Children: Strategies to Promote Oral Language Development Dina C. Castro and Ximena Franco
Chapter 12: Creating High-Quality STEM Experiences for All Young Learners: What Do Teachers of Young Children Need to Know? Jie-Qi Chen
Chapter 13: Developing Meaningful and Relevant Writing with K–3 Dual Language Learner Students Daniel R. Meier
Chapter 14: Providing Responsive Supports to Dual Language Learners with Disabilities Lillian Durán
Chapter 15: Making Thinking, Learning, and Development Visible and Inclusive Through Authentic Assessment Hilary Seitz
Chapter 16: Learning Stories: Observation, Reflection, and Narrative in Early Childhood Education Isauro M. Escamilla
Part 3: Moving Forward as a Profession
Chapter 17: The Work: Promoting Equity and Justice in Early Childhood Jen Neitzel
Chapter 18: Agency and Power in Young Children’s Lives: Five Ways to Advocate for Social Justice as an Early Childhood Educator Jennifer Keys Adair and Shubhi Sachdeva
Chapter 19: Creating Anti-Racist Early Childhood Spaces Rosemarie Allen, Dorothy L. Shapland, Jen Neitzel, and Iheoma U. Iruka
Chapter 20: Early Childhood Teacher Educators’ Critical Role: Preparing Culturally Efficacious Early Childhood Teachers Belinda Bustos Flores, Socorro Herrera, and Janelle Beth Flores
Appendix: A Note on Terminology Used in this Book
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