The coverage is complete, ranging from finding a mentor to working with parents. The book is meant to be short and sweet, and it is.‘
—Lori L. Grossman, Instructional Coordinator
Houston Independent School District, TX
‚Describes ten basic, practical tenets for finding one′s way in the classroom. The book makes a distinct contribution by presenting the ten tenets in a very brief, readable format.‘
—Mary Alice Barksdale, Associate Professor
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
‚This book contains an introduction to key, practical tips for teaching success.‘
—Rodger J. Beatty, Associate Dean, Faculty of Education
Brock University
Help ensure your teaching success with these powerful professional tools!
What kind of professional support is most critical for getting new teachers off to a good start in the classroom? How can veteran teachers elevate and energize their instructional techniques? In this second edition of Ten Things Teachers Need to Succeed, international educator Robin Fogarty distills a wealth of teaching and consulting experience into ten high-impact strategies to help novice and experienced instructors succeed and thrive.
Updated throughout, this easy-to-use resource recommends ways to connect with a mentor and offers readings, related film clips, discussion questions, and action steps for successful:
- Curriculum and lesson design
- Assessment and rubrics construction
- Discipline and classroom management
- Communication with parents, and more
This guidebook′s unique format also makes it an ideal professional development tool to help teams of new and experienced teachers grow together by discussing and applying one chapter each month.
1. A Knowing Colleague as Counsel: About the Policies, Practices, and Politics!
Proactively Seek a Mentor
Film Clip: Finding Forrester
2. A Place Called ‚My Room‘ for Students to Grow, to Groom, and to Zoom!
Create a Climate That Fosters Growth and Pride
Film Clip: Pay It Forward
3. A Method for Managing 1, 500 Decisions: On Your Seat/On Your Feet!
Let Common Sense Rule the Moment of Decision
Film Clip: Teachers
4. A Discipline Plan That Works on Paper and on Students!
Be Consistent! Be Flexible!
Film Clip: To Sir With Love
5. A Standard Understanding of the Almighty Standards!
‚Cluster‘ Standards Into Curriculum Content
Film Clip: Best of Saturday Night Live: Seinfeld-History Lesson
6. A Known Knowledge Base of Core Curriculum Content!
Map the Course – Then Talk With an Expert
Film Clip: Master and Commander
7. A Fail-Safe Lesson Design for Teachers to Teach and Learners to Learn!
Teach Them – Them Coach Them!
Film Clip: Dead Poet′s Society
8. A Repertoire of Teaching Strategies: Different Strokes for Different Folks!
Tap Into the Talents of Each Learner
Film Clip: Akeelah and the Bee
9. A Love Affair With Assessment: Rubrics Are Our New Best Friend!
Share Criteria For Success With Students Before They Begin the Task
Film Clip: Music of the Heart
10. A Winning Way With Parents: To Report, Relate, and Celebrate
Involve Parents In the Teaching/Learning Process
Film Clip: Mr Holland′s Opus
Über den Autor
Robin Fogarty is President of RFA: A Robin Fogarty Company, a Chicago-based, minority-owned, educational publishing/consulting company. Robin received her doctorate in curriculum and human resource development from Loyola University of Chicago. A leading proponent of the thoughtful classroom, Robin has trained educators throughout the world in curriculum, instruction and assessment strategies.She has taught at all levels, from kindergarten to college, served as an administrator, and consulted with state departments and ministries of education in the United States, Puerto Rico, Russia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Great Britain, Singapore, South Korea, the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Robin has published articles in Educational Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, The Journal of Staff Development and The Middle School Lournal. She is the author of numerous publications, including Brain-Compatible Classrooms, Literacy Matters, Ten Things New Teachers Need, How to Integrate the Curricula, The Adult Learner, A Look at Transfer, Close the Achievement Gap, Twelve Brain Principles, Nine Best Practices, and From Staff Room to Classroom: Planning and Coaching Professional Learning, How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core: 7 Key Student Proficiencies of the New National Standards, Invite! Excite! Ignite! 13 Principles for Teaching, Learning and Leading K-12 classrooms Robin received her Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education at SUNY, Potsdam, NY, and her Masters in Instructional Strategies from National Louis University in Evanston, IL. She is known as the teachers’ teacher and has mentored numerous colleagues in the art and science of working with the adult learner. She brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to all endeavors, has a wealth of knowledge in the field and conducts highly interactive PD sessions.