Generally taking place in front of closed curtains during set changes between acts, the entr’acte delivers a fleeting new purpose and event to the otherwise sometimes inert space between stage and pit. This collection employs the entr’acte as a model for conceptualizing emerging formations of publics and of public space.
Preface: ‚3 Intervals‘: Paul Virilio in discussion with Jordan Geiger 1. Entr’acte, Interim, Interstice: Performing Publics and Media Across Scales of Time and Space; Jordan Geiger INTERVAL I: SUPRANATIONAL 2. Cloud Megastructures and Platform Utopias; Benjamin H. Bratton 3. ‚Hello! My Name Is Sophia, ‚ I Am Going to Tweet Democracy, Google My College Degree, and 3-D Print My House! A Speculative Piece on Neo-Republic of Hyper-Individuals in the Near Future; Nashid Nabian 4. Entr’actions: From Radical Transparency to Radical Translucency; Ricardo Dominguez INTERVAL II: INTERURBAN 5. The Hypercity that Occupy Built; Jonathan Massey and Brett Snyder 6. Image Cities Spectacles: Imagining a World Class African City; Mabel O. Wilson and Mario Gooden 7. Crowd Choreographies; Omar Khan 8. Growing the Seeds of Change; Elke Krasny INTERVAL III: TRANSINDIVIDUAL 9. Looking into Nature: Learning and Delight in a STE[A]M Park; Brenda Laurel 10. (Unofficially) Enacting the Commons; Malcolm Mc Cullough 11. Between Plateau and Mirror: A Sound and Projection Field for Daniel Lanois‘ ‚Later That Night at the Drive-In‘; Adrian Blackwell and Eduardo Aquino
Über den Autor
Paul Virilio, The European Graduate School, Switzerland Benjamin H. Bratton, University of California, San Diego, USA Nashid Nabian, Harvard University, USA Ricardo Dominguez, University of California, San Diego, USA Jonathan Massey, Syracuse University, USA Brett Snyder, Cheng+Snyder, USA Mabel O. Wilson, Columbia University, USA Mario Gooden, Huff+Golden Architects, USA Omar Khan, University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA Elke Krasny, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria Brenda Laurel, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA Malcolm Mc Cullough, University of Michigan, USA Adrian Blackwell, University of Waterloo, Canada Eduardo Aquino, University of Manitoba, Canada