This volume contains the extended papers selected for presentation at the ninth edition of the International Symposium on Web & Wireless Geographical Information Systems 2 (WGIS 2009) hosted by the National Centre for Geocomputation in NUI Maynooth 2 (Ireland). WGIS 2009 was the ninth in a series of successful events beginning with Kyoto 2001, and alternating locations between East Asia and Europe. We invited s- missions that provided an up-to-date review of advances in theoretical, technical, and 2 practical issues of W GIS and Intelligent Geo Media. Reports on ongoing implemen- tions and real-world applications research were particularly welcome at this symposium. 2 Now in its ninth year, the scope of W GIS has expanded to include continuing – vances in wireless and Internet technologies that generate ever increasing interest in the diffusion, usage, and processing of geo-referenced data of all types – geomedia. Spatially aware wireless and Internet devices offer new ways of accessing and anal- ing geo-spatial information in both real-world and virtual spaces. Consequently, new challenges and opportunities are provided that expand the traditional GIS research scope into the realm of intelligent media – including geomedia with context-aware behaviors for self-adaptive use and delivery. Our common aim is research-based innovation that increases the ease of creating, delivering, and using geomedia across different platforms and application domains that continue to have dramatic effect on today’s society.
Invited Talk.- Database and Representation Issues in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).- Session 1 – Geospatial Analysis.- Moving Phenomenon: Aggregation and Analysis of Geotime-Tagged Contents on the Web.- Geo PW: Towards the Geospatial Processing Web.- Session 2 – Personalization and Semantic Geo-spatial Web.- Towards an Integration of Space and Accessibility in Web Personalization.- Tiled Vectors: A Method for Vector Transmission over the Web.- Semantic Challenges for Sensor Plug and Play.- Session 3 – W2GIS Case Studies.- Providing Universal Access to History Textbooks: A Modified GIS Case.- Data Integration Geo Service: A First Proposed Approach Using Historical Geographic Data.- A Study of Spatial Interaction Behaviour for Improved Delivery of Web-Based Maps.- Session 4 – Web and Mobile Applications and Prototypes.- Ego Viz – A Mobile Based Spatial Interaction System.- Wired Fisheye Lens: A Motion-Based Improved Fisheye Interface for Mobile Web Map Services.- Automatic Generation of an Adaptive Web GIS.- Campus Guidance System for International Conferences Based on Open Street Map.