This book profiles three groups of nonresidential fathers–teens, older fathers, and unmarried or divorced fathers. It promotes a fuller understanding of their problems, and offers an array of strategies for involving them in their children’s lives.
Utilizing a strengths perspective, the authors move beyond the realm of theory to present specific intervention strategies that have helped many diverse groups of fathers and potential fathers. Throughout, case examples illustrate key program issues. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter and reflection questions throughout promote integration of key concepts. A resource section is included with contact information for various fathering programs, other relevant resources, and a website directory.
Part I: Understanding Fathering-At-Risk
Part II: What We Can Do: An Introduction
Part III: Professional Practice Considerations in Work with Fathers-at-Risk
Part IV: Policies and Programs to Assist Fathers-at-Risk
Endnote: Visioning a Future for Fathering
Appendices: Program and Website Directory