The recovery of 800 documents in the eleven caves on the northwest shores of the Dead Sea is one of the most sensational archeological discoveries in the Holy Land to date. These three volumes, the very best of critical scholarship, demonstrate in detail how the scrolls have revolutionized our knowledge of the text of the Bible, the character of Second Temple Judaism, and the Jewish beginnings of Christianity.
Chapter 1 Digital Miracles: Revealing Invisible Scripts
Keith T. Knox, Roger L. Easton, Jr., Robert H. Johnston
Chapter 2 Another Stab at the Wicked Priest
David Noel Freedman and Jeffrey C. Geoghegan
Chapter 3 What’s in a Calendar? Calendar Conformity and Calendar Controversy in Ancient Judaism: The Case of the ‚Community of the Renewed Covenant‘
Shemaryahu Talmon
Chapter 4 The Covenant in Qumran
Moshe Weinfeld
Chapter 5 What was Distinctive about Messianic Expectation at Qumran?
John J. Collins
Chapter 6 The Law and Spirit of Purity at Qumran
Joseph M. Baumgarten
Chapter 7 Excerpted Manuscripts at Qumran: Their Significance for the Textual History of the Hebrew Bible and the Socio-Religious History of the Qumran Community and its Literature
Brent A. Strawn
Chapter 8 The Two Spirits in Qumran Theology
John R. Levison
Chapter 9 Dualism in the Essene Communities
Elisha Qimron
Chapter 10 The Qumran Concept of Time
Henry W. Morisada Rietz
Chapter 11 Predestination in the Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Magen Broshi
Chapter 12 Resurrection: The Bible and Qumran
Émile Puech
Chapter 13 Qumran Community Structure and Terminology as Theological Statement
Sarianna Metso
Chapter 14 Daily and Festival Prayers at Qumran
Dennis T. Olson
Chapter 15 The Sociological and Liturgical Dimensions of Psalm Pesher 1 (4Qp Psa): Some Prolegomenous Reflections
James H. Charlesworth and James D. Mc Spadden
Chapter 16 The Moses at Qumran: The qdch hrwm as the Nursing-Father of the dxy
Jacob Cherian
Chapter 17 Enoch and the Archangel Michael
Ephraim Isaac
Chapter 18 Qumran and the Dating of the Parables of Enoch
Paolo Sacchi
Chapter 19 The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Meal Formula in Joseph and Aseneth: From Qumran Fever to Qumran Light
Randall D. Chesnutt
Chapter 20 The Bible, the Psalms of Solomon, and Qumran
Joseph L. Trafton
Chapter 21 Old Testament Pseudepigrapha at Qumran
Devorah Dimant
Chapter 22 The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha at Qumran
James C. Vander Kam
Über den Autor
J.H. Charlesworth is the George L. Collord Professor of New Testament Language and Literature and Editor and Director of the Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project.