Greg Cunningham is an investigative reporter who tours the globe to interview the scientists that study climate change. He will risk his life along with the scientists weathering the furies of nature to gather the data behind the theory of climate change. But that is not the only threat he faces. Once he discovers that the Extreme Oil Company had conducted its own research into the global warming, his project, and maybe his life are in peril.
1 Receding Ice 1
2 Weathering the Storm 25
3 College Life 36
4 Selling the Pitch 55
5 Politics in Science 61
6 Complicity in a Global Catastrophe 78
7 A Global Perspective 85
8 Climategate 98
9 Back Home 105
10 Confrontation 114
11 Cyber Espionage 120
12 Conference of Parties 127
13 Coral Bleaching 136
14 The Hurricane 154
15 The Chinese Perspective 171
16 Putting It in Perspective 184
17 The Boardroom 196
18 International Agreement 202
19 Species Extinction 215
20 Jones, Hackett, and Williamson 225
21 Extreme Oil Production 233
22 Standoff 245
23 Recovery of Data 252
24 Publishing the Story 260
25 The Lawyers 267
26 Committed Climate Change 272
Glossary 277
Endnotes 285
About the Author 299