Autor: James M. Morgan

James M. Morgan (Ph D, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit) is collaborator in the Biblical Studies department at the theological faculty of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). He is also chaplain with SIM and Groupes Bibliques des Ecoles et Universites (Inter Varsity).

3 Ebooks von James M. Morgan

James M. Morgan: Encountering Images of Spiritual Transformation
Luke-Acts is an impressive two-volume narrative seeking to convince and engage readers regarding the spiritual impact of Jesus of Nazareth on the Jewish people and other nations. To this end, Luke em …
Jeffrey K. Liker & James M. Morgan: Designing the Future: How Ford, Toyota, and other World-Class Organizations Use Lean Product Development to Drive Innovation and Transform Their Business
How companies are using lean development to revolutionize their product and service offerings-vital lessons any business leader can use as an engine of innovation How did Ford Motors use Lean Develop …
Markus Lau & Matthias Schmidt: Sprachbilder und Bildsprache
Die so genannte »Freiburger Schule« innerhalb der Bibelwissenschaft gehört nach Gerd Theißen zu den »bedeutendsten Impulsen« aus katholischer Feder, die in die biblische Exegese in jüngster Zeit hine …