Zosia Archibald is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Archaeology, Classics, and Egyptology, University of Liverpool. She is Chair of the Committee for Archaeology, British School at Athens. She was British Director of the Pistiros Project in central Bulgaria (1995-2013), and is co-Director of the Olynthos Project, Chalkidice, Greece (20142019). She has co-edited three volumes of papers on Hellenistic economies, is the author of Ancient Economies of the Northern Aegean (2013), and of the chapter on Macedonia in the forthcoming Oxford History of the Ancient Greek World. Jan Haywood is Lecturer in Classical Studies at The Open University (UK). His research includes ancient Greek historiography, divination, and the ancient and modern reception of the Trojan War tradition. He is author (with Naoise Mac Sweeney) of Homer“s Iliad and the Trojan War: Dialogues on Tradition (Bloomsbury, 2018), and is preparing a monograph Herodotus and his Sources. Jan Haywood is also Reviews Editor for the Journal of Hellenic Studies.
1 Ebooks von Jan Haywood
Zosia Archibald & Zosia Archibald: Power of Individual and Community in Ancient Athens and Beyond
The pioneering ideas of John Kenyon Davies, one of the most significant Ancient Historians of the past half century, are celebrated in this collection of essays. A distinguished cast of contributors, …