How do rocks change shape?
Why does Venus rotate ‚backwards‘?
How do tigers talk with their tails?
Do bigger ears hear better?
Discover the answers to these and many other weird and wildmysteries in astronomy, biology, chemistry, earth science, andphysics. Janice Van Cleave’s 204 Sticky, Gloppy, Wacky, and Wonderful Experiments gives you hours and hours of hands-on, low-cost scientific fun. Try these safe, easy-to-do experiments athome or in the classroom: construct a lunar calendar to examine thephases of the moon, observe the feeding of ants to find out howthey communicate, and build a model of Galileo’s thermoscope tomeasure how different materials change temperature. With so manyamazing projects to choose from, you’ll have a blast learning aboutthe world around you.
PART I: Astronomy.
1. More or Less.
2. Sunrise-Sunset.
3. Sun Path.
4. Time.
5. Saving Tim E.
6. Longer.
7. Sun Compass.
8. Radiate.
9. Sun Parts.
10. Bong!
11. Sun Block.
12. Shadow Size.
13. Earth Model.
14. North Side.
15. Reversed.
16. How Fast?
17. Rotate.
18. Tilted.
19. Equal.
20. Together.
21. Light and Dark.
22. Weighty.
23. Best Spot.
24. In Front Of.
25. Ringed.
26. Lineup.
27. Brighter.
28. Same Face.
29. Lunar Calendar.
30. Minor Planets.
31. Space Rocks.
32. Launched.
33. Heat Telescope.
34. Basic.
35. Same Size.
36. Bigger or Smaller?
37. Star Locator.
38. Mobile Stars.
39. Pairs.
40. Uneven.
PART II. Biology.
41. Clusters.
42. Many Parts.
43. Getting Started.
44. Hitchhikers.
45. Sprouters.
46. Dividers.
47. Up and Down.
48. Anchors.
49. Just Alike.
50. Leaf Parts.
51. On the Edge.
52. Falling Leaves.
53. Coverup.
54. Breakout.
55. Lifters.
56. Follow Me.
57. Spongy.
58. Stickers.
59. Hummers.
60. Migrating Eye.
61. Largest.
62. Sniffer.
63. Pickup!
64. Signals.
65. Locked.
66. Nails.
67. Backbone.
68. Squeezed.
69. Stoppers.
70. Keep Cool.
71. Spotted.
72. Sweaty.
73. Expanded.
74. Wrinkled.
75. Smelly.
76. Double.
77. Vibrating Cords.
78. Bigger and Better.
79. Light Catchers.
80. Twice.
81. Big or Little?
82. Extra Money.
83. How Near?
84. Who Can?
PART III. Chemistry.
85. It Matters.
86. Just Enough.
87. On Top.
88. Floater.
89. Builders.
90. New Stuff.
91. Changes.
92. Rusty.
93. Inside Ou T.
94. No Leftovers.
95. Faster.
96. Helper.
97. Breakdown.
98. Trapped.
99. Sweeter.
100. Gassy.
101. Shortening.
102. Uncoiled.
103. Crystals.
104. Shiny Cubes.
105. Linked.
106. No Leak.
107. Coded.
108. Bridges.
109. Glob.
110. Glob 2.
111. Mixture.
112. Blended.
113. Separator.
114. Loser.
115. More!
116. Soaker.
117. Melting Ice.
118. Attractive.
119. Twisted.
120. Foamy.
121. Hisssssss!
122. Puffer.
123. Sudsy.
124. Acid Testing.
PART IV. Earth Science.
125. Around.
126. Only One.
127. Time Line.
128. Drifters.
129. Normal.
130. Small Portion.
131. Soil.
132. Straight Through.
133. Splat!
134. Mudflow.
135. Compact.
136. Cemented.
137. Recycled Rock.
138. Fire Rocks.
139. Hot Spot.
140. Turn Aside.
141. Fly Away.
142. Eye of the Storm.
143. Cloud Maker.
144. Raindrops.
145. Water Cycle.
146. Open and Closed.
147. Holder.
148. Pressed.
149. Reducer.
150. Down Under.
151. Streamers.
152. Rise and Fall.
153. Washout.
154. Overflow?
155. Below the Surface.
156. Coming Up!
157. Percolate.
158. Sinker.
159. Erupting Volcano.
160. Magma Flow.
161. Shaker.
162. Fill ?Er Up.
163. Pollution Dilution.
164. Runoff.
PART V. Physics.
165. Unreal.
166. Backward.
167. Outward.
168. Inward.
169. To the Point.
170. Beyond.
171. Within.
172. Stored.
173. Cooling.
174. Cold Skin.
175. Thermometer.
176. Gravity.
177. Weightless?
178. Roller.
179. Balancing Act.
180. Equal Arms.
181. Stable.
182. Contact.
183. Bumpy.
184. Slider.
185. No Rubbing.
186. Stand Up.
187. Twang.
188. Bounce Back.
189. Louder.
190. High or Low?
191. Shorter.
192. Spread Out.
193. Flipper.
194. Riser.
195. Pull Away.
196. Same Kind.
197. Thin Skin.
198. Surface Film.
199. Wetter.
200. Spread.
201. Speedy.
202. Stop!
203. Constant.
204. Hero?s Engine.
Über den Autor
JANICE VANCLEAVE is a former science teacher who now spends her time writing and giving science workshops. She is the author of more than forty books that have sold over two million copies, and a resident science fair authority on