Jason Sansbury is veteran youth worker and retreat speaker who currently lives in Nashville. He is a lover of stories in their many forms, from movies, television, novels and comics. He enjoys the tribe of youth workers and is dedicated to helping equip and train the next generation of youth leaders and youth workers. He currently serves at Belle Meade UMC and as a youth ministry coach for the Center for Youth Ministry Training.
4 Ebooks von Jason Sansbury
Mary Bernard & Julie Conrady: Bible Lessons for Youth Spring 2018 Leader
The studies for the spring quarter focus on ways God’s people have acknowledged the greatness of God throughout the years. The lessons begin with some help for us in following God. At Easter the stud …
Mary Bernard & Julie Conrady: Bible Lessons for Youth Spring 2019 Leader
Spring Theme: Faith (Mark, Luke)This trust curriculum has been refreshed, while keeping everything you love about the resources. Bible Lessons for Youth is a comprehensive 6-year Bible-to-life curric …
Tim Gossett & Sally Hoelscher: Bible Lessons for Youth Winter 2020-2021 Leader
Bible Lessons for Youth is a curriculum that helps teens apply the Bible to their real-life. Its teacher-friendly format is built around a step-by-step sequence with thought-provoking activities desi …
Jacob Fasig & Julie Conrady: Bible Lessons for Youth Spring 2021 Leader
This trust curriculum has been refreshed, while keeping everything you love about the resources. Bible Lessons for Youth is a comprehensive 6-year Bible-to-life curriculum that helps teens apply the …