6 Ebooks von Jean Michel Tchuenche
C. Chiyaka & Jean Michel Tchuenche: Infectious Disease Modelling Research Progress
This book concentrates on the epidemiology of corruption and disease transmission as a saturable interaction as well as case studies of infectious diseases of global public health concern, namely dru …
Zindoga Mukandavire & Jean Michel Tchuenche: Advances in Disease Epidemiology
This book is a collection that bears witness to the large interest in the subject of mathematical epidemiology. The materials presented describe, thoroughly analyze and interpret the dynamics of some …
Jean Michel Tchuenche: Dynamical Systems
Virtually any advance in disease dynamics requires a sophisticated mathematical approach in order to map out the parameters that drive the system. This book exploits some of the fundamental theory of …
Angelo C DiStefano & Mary Hurley: Global Climate Change and U.S. Security Interests
Changes in climate patterns and their impact on the physical environment can create profound effects on populations in parts of the world and present new challenges to global security and stability. …
James K Buck & Meredith J. Hinton: Afghanistan in Transition
Stated U.S. policy is to ensure that Afghanistan will not again become a base for terrorist attacks against the United States. Following policy reviews in 2009, the Obama Administration asserted that …
Richard I James & Ryan A. Migne: School Districts Use of Funds
This book provides an analyses of expenditures and income factors relating to school districts use of funds. Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) requires that schools …