Autor: Jeeferie Abd Razak

Dr. Sattar S. Emamian received his Doctorate Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia, in 2018. He is a member of Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). He has completed a postdoctoral research fellow in University of Malaya on 2019. He has published several ISI and Scopus indexed journals/proceedings as well as book chapters. His research areas are welding engineering, manufacturing systems engineering and materials science. Mokhtar Awang is Professional Engineer and an Associate Professor at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak, Malaysia. He is also Chartered Engineer with Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, UK (IMar EST). He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Detroit Mercy, MI, USA, and both master and doctorate degrees from West Virginia University, WV, USA. He had 6 years of experience in industry and over 18 years of academic experience in the field of finite element modeling and friction stir welding. He is a co-author of a book and editor of 8 books related to finite element modelling and material engineering. He has also published more than eighty peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. Dr. Jeefferie Abd Razak received his Ph.D. in Materials Science from National University of Malaysia. His research interests are on polymer and rubber blends, dielectric and conductive polymeric composites and polymer-based nanocomposites. He is a chartered engineer with Engineering Council (EC), UK, and he was appointed as Professional Technologist by Malaysia Board of Technologist under the nanotechnology area. Presently, he served the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTe M) as a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering. He is currently active in consultation and research work, especially in the area of engineering materials design, testing and optimization. Patrick J Masset obtained his Bachelor Degree in Material Science, Master and Doctorate Degrees from Grenoble, France, in addition to his MBA from Paris-Dauphine University. He is currently undergoing habilitation under University Pierre and Marie Curie, for the highest French diploma required for a full professorship. He started his career in 1998 as research engineer and later became Head of Research Group at Centre for Innovation Competence Virtuhcon, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, before he moved to Fraunhofer UMSICHT- Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany. He is currently the CEO of Techallium Engineering and Consulting, Fliederweg 6, D-92449 Steinberg am See, Germany.

2 Ebooks von Jeeferie Abd Razak

Mohd Najib Ali Mokhtar & Zamberi Jamaludin: Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics
This book presents the proceedings of Sympo SIMM 2021, the 4th edition of the Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics. Focusing on “Strengthening Innovations Towards Industry 4.0”, th …
Seyed Sattar Emamian & Mokhtar Awang: Advances in Material Science and Engineering
This book highlights the recent research works on mechanical, manufacturing and plant engineering presented during the 7th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Plant Engineering …