Autor: Jeff Bezos

About Contributors Jeff Bezos and Walter Isaacson:This book is a collection of writings and public statements by Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon. Bezos is also the founder of aerospace company Blue Origin, which is working to lower the cost and increase the safety of spaceflight, and he is owner of the Washington Post. In 2018, he founded the Bezos Day One Fund, which focuses on funding non-profits that help homeless families, and on creating a network of tier-one preschools in low-income communities. Bezos graduated summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa in electrical engineering and computer science from Princeton University in 1986, and was named TIME Magazine“s Person of the Year in 1999. Walter Isaacson is the author of several books, including The Innovators and Leonardo da Vinci.

5 Ebooks von Jeff Bezos

Invent and Wander
In Jeff Bezos’s own words, the core principles and philosophy that have guided him in creating, building, and leading Amazon and Blue Origin. In this collection of Jeff Bezos’s writings—his unique an …
Redline Verlag: Invent and wander – Das Erfolgsrezept »Erfinden und die Gedanken schweifen lassen«
JEDEN TAG NEU DURCHSTARTEN In dieser exklusiven Sammlung seiner Schriften findet man in Jeff Bezos eigenen Worten – den jährlichen Aktionärsbriefen, den zahlreichen Reden und Interviews – die Grundpr …
Redline Verlag: Invent and wander – Das Erfolgsrezept »Erfinden und die Gedanken schweifen lassen«
JEDEN TAG NEU DURCHSTARTEN In dieser exklusiven Sammlung seiner Schriften findet man in Jeff Bezos eigenen Worten – den jährlichen Aktionärsbriefen, den zahlreichen Reden und Interviews – die Grundpr …
Jeff Bezos: Inventează și visează
Principiile de bază și filosofia care l-au ghidat pe Jeff Bezos în crearea, conducerea și transformarea Amazon și Blue Origin – în cuvintele autorului Din această culegere de scrieri aparținându-i lu …
Edward G. Rogoff: Bankable Business Plans: A successful entrepreneur’s guide to starting and growing any business
The secrets behind creating compelling and successful business plans that are sure to attract financial backers and help business owners stay on track are revealed step-by-step in this invaluable gui …