Get up-to-speed on the functionality of your TI-84 Plus
Completely revised to cover the latest updates to the TI-84 Plus
calculators, this bestselling guide will help you become the most
savvy TI-84 Plus user in the classroom! Exploring the standard
device, the updated device with USB plug and upgraded memory (the
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition), and the upcoming color screen device,
this book provides you with clear, understandable coverage of the
TI-84’s updated operating system.
* Details the new apps that are available for download to the
calculator via the USB cable
* Walks you through menus and basic arithmetic
* Addresses graphing and analyzing functions as well as
probability and statistics functions
* Explains how to use the calculator for geometry
* Reviews communicating with PCs and other calculators
TI-84 Plus Graphic Calculator For Dummies, 2nd Edition is
the perfect solution for getting comfortable with the new line of
TI-84 calculators!
Introduction 1
Part I: Making Friends with the Calculator 7
Chapter 1: Starting with the Basics 9
Chapter 2: Doing Basic Arithmetic 25
Chapter 3: Dealing with Fractions 35
Chapter 4: Solving Equations 41
Part II: Taking Your Calculator Relationship to the Next Level 51
Chapter 5: Working with Complex Numbers 53
Chapter 6: Understanding the Math Menu and Submenus 59
Chapter 7: The Angle and Test Menus 69
Chapter 8: Creating and Editing Matrices 77
Part III: Graphing and Analyzing Functions 89
Chapter 9: Graphing Functions 91
Chapter 10: Exploring Functions 109
Chapter 11: Evaluating Functions 125
Chapter 12: Graphing Inequalities 141
Chapter 13: Graphing Parametric Equations 157
Chapter 14: Graphing Polar Equations 165
Chapter 15: Graphing Sequences 175
Part IV: Working with Probability and Statistics 187
Chapter 16: Probability 189
Chapter 17: Dealing with Statistical Data 197
Chapter 18: Analyzing Statistical Data 207
Part V: Doing More with Your Calculator 223
Chapter 19: Using the TVM Solver 225
Chapter 20: Communicating with a PC Using TI Connect Software 231
Chapter 21: Communicating Between Calculators 239
Chapter 22: Fun with Images 245
Chapter 23: Managing Memory 251
Part VI: The Part of Tens 257
Chapter 24: Ten Essential Skills 259
Chapter 25: Ten Common Errors 263
Chapter 26: Ten Common Error Messages 269
Appendix A: Creating Calculator Programs 273
Appendix B: Controlling Program Input and Output 277
Appendix C: Controlling Program Flow 287
Index 299
Über den Autor
Jeff Mc Calla is a mathematics teacher at St. Mary’s Episcopal School in Memphis, TN. He cofounded the TI-Nspire Super User group, and received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science & Mathematics Teaching.
C.C. Edwards is an educator who has presented numerous workshops on using TI calculators.