7 Ebooks von Jenny Roch
Jenny Roch: Colonialist discourse in The Tempest: Fact or myth
Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Didactics for the subject English – Literature, Works, grade: 15/20, University of Glasgow (Department of English Literature), course: Shakespeare/modu …
Jenny Roch: Re-negotiating Identities: Literature and Language in the Aftermath of Colonisation
Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies – Literature, grade: 17/20, University of Glasgow (Department of English Literature), course: Literary Theory – …
Jenny Roch: Emma’s ‚Awakening‘ and its Timelessness
Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies – Literature, grade: 17/20, University of Glasgow (Department of English Literature), course: Romanticism – Mod …
Jenny Roch: Representations of Masculinity in Things Fall Apart and Wide Sargasso Sea
Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies – Literature, grade: A5 (=18/22), University of Glasgow (Department of English Literature), course: Postcolonia …
Jenny Roch: Female Voicelessness in Conrad and Welsh – in Heart of Darkness and Marabou Stork Nightmares
Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies – Literature, grade: A5 (18/22), University of Glasgow (Department of English Literature), course: Module T4 – …
Jenny Roch: ‚Late twentieth-century theory can be considered first and foremost as a reaction against the tenets of liberal humanism‘
Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies – Literature, grade: B3 (15/20), University of Glasgow (Department of Scottish Literature), course: Theory and …
Jenny Roch: Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off – A Text for a Postcolonial Studies Curriculum?
Essay from the year 2006 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies – Literature, grade: B1 (17/22), University of Glasgow (Department of English Literature), course: Module T4 – Postcolo …