Jerome Goddard, Ph.D. is a medical entomologist currently located at Mississippi State University who is known for research on a number of medically important arthropods, most notably ticks, mosquitoes, and bed bugs. Prior to coming to Mississippi State, Dr. Goddard was an Air Force medical entomologist for 3 years and then State Medical Entomologist for the Mississippi Department of Health for 20 years. After Hurricane Katrina (2005), Dr. Goddard was the health department official responsible for the mosquito and vector control program along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. He is the author of over 200 scientific articles and a medical textbook used by physicians, which won „Highly Commended“ in 2003 in the British Medical Association“s Best Medical Book of the Year competition. Over the last two decades, Dr. Goddard has served as an educational resource concerning medically-important arthropods to a U.S. Congressional Committee, in various newspapers and magazines such as Reader“s Digest, and on television programs such as The Learning Channel („Living with Bugs“) and the Colbert Report.
6 Ebooks von Jerome Goddard
Jerome Goddard: Infectious Diseases and Arthropods
In this second edition of Infectious Diseases and Arthropods, Jerome Goddard summarizes the latest thinking about the biological, entomological, and clinical aspects of the major vector-borne disease …
Jerome Goddard: Infectious Diseases and Arthropods
With the exception of a few tropical medicine schools worldwide, current medical education programs include almost zero discussion of the interface between infectious diseases and entomology. T …
Jerome Goddard: Physician’s Guide to Arthropods of Medical Importance
2013 BMA Medical Book Awards Winner As the importance of medical entomology increases, access to up-to-date, authoritative information also becomes increasingly critical. For nearly 20 years, the awa …
Jerome Goddard: Infectious Diseases and Arthropods
Jerome Goddard summarizes the latest thinking about the biological, entomological, and clinical aspects of the major vector-borne diseases around the world. His book covers mosquito-, tick-, and flea …
Jerome Goddard: Faith vs. Science
This is not a book on theology, nor is it a highly technical scientific analysis. It“s really just a conversation-between me and a hypothetical, non-hostile unbeliever. My purpose is to help scienti …
Jerome Goddard: Faith Vs. Science 3Rd Edition
Scientific advances over the past 150 years have created a dilemma for persons of faith living in an increasingly secular world. Many scientific findings seem directly opposed to religious faith. Fur …