Your helping hand for adding simple, homemade, whole grain sourdough to your weekly schedule
Real life is busy enough without having social media-worthy sourdough on your to-do list. But if your goal is to make simple, nourishing, and delicious whole grain sourdough for your whole family, then DIY Sourdough is your one-stop beginner’s guide. Coverage includes:
- Simple sourdough recipes for breads, snacks, and more
- The secrets to consistent results
- Tips and tricks for homemade sourdough, including flour buying, home milling, and sourdough starter
- Homemade bread scheduling options, including split-day sourdough recipes for making sourdough an easy part of your weekly routine.
DIY Sourdough is your personal guide to getting started with sourdough. It gives you a helping hand to succeed and offers a simple time-saving approach to make nourishing and delicious sourdough that fits into a hectic lifestyle.
The Moody family has been making traditional foods, including fine-tuning sourdough recipes and making sourdough with grains, for over a decade. John Moody is author of The Elderberry Book, the founder of Whole Life Services and Whole Life Buying Club, and the former executive director of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Involved with farming, food, and homesteading, the Moody family of two old-timers and five rambunctious kids farms and homesteads on 35 acres in Kentucky.
How We Got into Sourdough
Why Sourdough?
Why Whole Grains?
Why We Recommend You Stick with Organic Grains and Flours
What You Need for Sourdough
Flour Buying Tips and Tricks
Grind Your Own Grains, Not As Hard As You Think
Grain-to-Flour Conversions
Home Milling Tips
How Much to Mill at a Time
Why Spelt and Other Older Grains for Sourdough
Hey, Batter Batter! The Importance of Batter Consistency
1 Simple Sourdough Basics
A Simple Sourdough Schedule
Starters Take time
How to Create Your Own Sourdough Starter
Simple Step-by-Step Instructions for Whole Grain Sourdough Starter
Maintaining Your Sourdough Starter
Timing of Feedings and Finding Your Sourdough’s Sweet Spot
The Not-So-Uncommon Failed Sourdough Starter
What to Do When You Need to Travel or Take a Few Days Off?
The Need for a Backup Starter
Waking Up Stored Starter
Buying Starters
Borrowing Starters
Common Problems that Cause Sourdough Consternation
House Too Hot, House Too Cold
Cross Contamination
Metal and Sourdough?
Too Sour
Not Enough Rise
2 Breakfast
English Muffins
Hell Hath No Pastry Like My Wife’s Scones
Pancakes and Waffles
Zucchini Waffles
French Toast
3 Lunch
Irish Soda Bread/English Muffin Bread
Rolling Crackers
Scoring Crackers
Basic Crackers
Beyond Basic Crackers
Artisan Spelt Bread
4 Dinner
What’s the Difference Between a Biscuit, Roll, Muffin, and So Many Other Baked Goods?
5 Snacks and Special Treats
Basic Muffins
Blueberry Muffins
Cast Iron Skillet Cinnamon Rolls
Cream Cheese Frosting
Cinnamon Raisin Bread
Banana Bread
6 Resources and Sundry Matters
Kitchen Equipment
Cast Iron
Measuring Equipment
Grain Mills
Online Resources
Traditional Cooking School
Cultures for Health
Homemade Food Junkie
About the Authors
A note About the Publisher
Über den Autor
John Moody is the founder of Whole Life Services and Whole Life Buying Club and the former executive director of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Involved with farming, food, and homesteading, he is author of The Elderberry Book and lives with his wife and five rambunctious kids on a 35-acre farm in Kentucky.