The man with the world’s best LONG-TERM MEMORY shares his secrets! Jim Karol is a wonder. He created a cognitive fitness routine at the age of 50, after developing health problems. What happened next not only greatly enhanced his MEMORY and FOCUS, it also had an enormous impact on his HEALTH! Since then, Jim is recognized across the globe for his ‚cogmental‘ agility. Now Jim’s Cogmental Intelligence program is available to you, to enhance cognition and related mental abilities, improve memory, attention, focus and well-Being.
Über den Autor
Jim Karol is a world renowned’edutainer‘ and cognitive transformation expert. He is hailed at having one of the world’s most remarkable minds and has showcased his extraordinary abilities on major programs like the Today Show, Ellen, Howard Stern and The Tonight Show. Jim is also a regular guest speaker at MIT’s Mc Govern Institute for Brain Research. Some of Jim’s incredible abilities include memorizing 75, 000 US Zip Codes and having perfect recall of a shuffled deck of cards in under a minute.Karol began a cognitive fitness routine at age 50 to boost his health. He keyed into a remarkable brain technique leading to his ‚Cogmental Intelligence‘ program for enhancing Memory, Focus, and Self-Esteem, which has been especially impactful with athletes, military veterans, and those experiencing brain trauma. He’s also the author of ‚Ultimate Memory Magic.