Heather Grzych is a board certified Ayurvedic practitioner who bridges the worlds of conventional and alternative medicine to help women and men heal their physical and emotional lives. She is on the board of directors for the National Ayurvedic Medical Association and has consulted with doctors, governments, and insurance companies. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.
9 Ebooks von John Douillard
John Douillard: Eat Wheat
The international bestseller by the author of The 3-Season Diet: “A compelling, evidence-based approach for safely eating wheat and dairy . . . a must-read” (Dr. Rav Ivker, auth …
Heather Grzych: The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility
A PRACTICAL, INTENTIONAL GUIDE TO CREATING ENHANCED CONDITIONS FOR CONCEPTION Creating new life is a natural part of being a woman, but it doesn’t always come as easily as we expect. With high-stress …
John Douillard: Esst Weizen!
Verzichten Sie auf Gluten oder Milchprodukte? Das muss nicht sein! Esst Weizen! ist ein wissenschaftlich und klinisch fundierter Ansatz, um Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten zu überwinden. Es ist Ihr p …