Moyamoya Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment covers the key clinical disciplines involved in managing patients with moyamoya disease, including diagnostic work up, imaging, neurocognitive evaluation, and surgical options for pediatric and adult patients. The text and accompanying videos provide neurosurgeons and other health professionals treating Moyamoya patients with all the information they need to make the right diagnostic and surgical decisions.
Key Features:
- Includes online access to videos and animations, narrated by Dr. Wanebo, demonstrating surgical techniques discussed in the book
- Written and edited by world-renowned experts at the Barrow Neurological Institute and other centers of excellence focused on Moyamoya
- Covers these dynamic topics in Moyamoya: cortical microvasculature, genetics, neuropsychiatric evaluation, and endovascular therapy
- Contains detailed illustrations and descriptions of technical aspects of treatment such as the direct and indirect methods of revascularization
All neurosurgeons and neurologists caring for Moyamoya patients will find this book to be an important reference that they will consult often in their daily practice.
I Diagnosing Moyamoya Angiopathy: Definition, Classifications, Symptomatology
1 Moyamoya Disease and Moyamoya Syndrome
2 Classification and Imaging of Moyamoya Phenomena
3 The Natural History of Moyamoya Disease
4 Genetics of Moyamoya Angiopathy
5 Clinical Assessment of Cerebral Perfusion in Moyamoya Disease
6 Worldwide Epidemiology of Moyamoya Disease
7 Implications of Cortical Microvasculature in Adult Moyamoya Disease
8 Neuropsychological Considerations in the Assessment of Children and Adults with Moyamoya Disease
II Treatment Options: Medical, Endovascular, Perioperative, and Surgical Management
9 Medical Management of Childhood Moyamoya
10 Pediatric Moyamoya
11 Endovascular Therapy for Moyamoya Disease
12 Indirect Revascularization Procedures for Moyamoya Disease
13 Direct Revascularization Procedures for Moyamoya Disease
14 Multiple Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass Surgery in Moyamoya Angiopathy
15 Direct and Indirect Bypass Procedures for Posterior Circulation Moyamoya Disease
16 Anesthetic and Perioperative Management of Moyamoya Disease
III Regional Long-term Experience with Cerebral Revascularization
17 Long-term Results after Cerebral Revascularization in Adult Moyamoya
18 Japanese Experience: Long-term Results after Cerebral Revascularization
19 Moyamoya Angiopathy in Korea