These sixteen short articles are mostly autobiographical and include one short story and even some verse. They comprise a follow-up to my ‚Baker’s Dozen‘ (originally published under a nom-de-plume, John Doble). New items include memories of happy experiences in the writer’s much younger life, mostly from before ca.1960, but extending also into my career in science. I apologize for the repetitions where some articles have inevitably overlapped, and also for any inaccuracies. The characters in the short story are wholly fictitious and are not modeled on anyone known to the author. The tale is intended only to reflect the times.
No new European cycling adventures are described here (see the ‚Baker’s Dozen‘ for some of them) because, after about 1956, sailing had displaced the open road for adventure. I note that my cycling, with commuting in home counties around London, weekends away in England and Wales, and the big continental tours with my friend Ken Pearce, covered some 80-90, 000 miles, in the 1940’s and up to 1957.