Autor: John Steele

Christine Proust is a Senior Researcher at the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Paris). Her primary focus is on the history of mathematics in the Ancient Near East, more specifically on mathematical cuneiform texts from different periods. She published Tablettes Mathématiques de Nippur (De Boccard, 2007) and she co-edited with Alain Bernard Scientific Sources and Teaching Contexts throughout History: Problems and Perspectives (Springer 2014), and with Alexander Jones and John Steele A Mathematician’s Journeys: Otto Neugebauer and Modern Transformations of Ancient Science (Springer, 2016).   John Steele is Professor of the History of the Exact Sciences in Antiquity at the Department of Egyptology and Assyriology, Brown University. His research focuses on the history of the astral sciences in Babylonia and related traditions. He is the author or editor of several books including most recently Rising Time Schemes in Babylonian Astronomy (Springer 2017) and The Circulation of Astronomical Knowledge in the Ancient World (Brill 2016).  

6 Ebooks von John Steele

Christine Proust & John Steele: Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk
This volume explores how scholars wrote, preserved, circulated, and read knowledge in ancient Mesopotamia. It offers an exercise in micro-history that provides a case study for attempting to understa …
John Steele: Ravenhill
John Steeles explosive Geschichte der Paramilitärs in Belfast greift auf die dreißig Jahre alte düstere Geschichte einer langen Reihe von Gräueltaten zurück, mit denen die IRA, die INLA, die Ulster …
Hermann Hunger & John Steele: Babylonian Astronomical Compendium MUL.APIN
MUL.APIN, written sometime before the 8th century BC, was the most widely copied astronomical text in ancient Mesopotamia: a compendium including information such as star lists, descriptions of …
Hermann Hunger & John Steele: Babylonian Astronomical Compendium MUL.APIN
MUL.APIN, written sometime before the 8th century BC, was the most widely copied astronomical text in ancient Mesopotamia: a compendium including information such as star lists, descriptions of …
John Steele: Staying Alive
John Steele left his family and home at the tender age of 16 to join the Royal Navy. In a select branch of only 200 men he subsequently qualified as the youngest Mine Clearance Diver at that time. He …
Efrosyni Boutsikas & Stephen C. McCluskey: Advancing Cultural Astronomy
This collection of essays on cultural astronomy celebrates the life and work of Clive Ruggles, Emeritus Professor of Archaeoastronomy at Leicester University. Taking their lead from Ruggles’ work, …