* Fedora Core ‚X‘ is the latest release of the leading Linuxdistribution, which boasts approximately 70 percent of the Linuxmarket in the United States and serves as a low-cost alternative tomore expensive operating systems
* Written in the trademark friendly, humorous, easy-to-understand For Dummies style, this updated edition shows Linux newbies how toinstall and use Fedora Core
* Includes new coverage of the SELinux infrastructure (animportant new security feature), Linux and GNOME applications, howto fine-tune the GNOME desktop, and the new GStreamer multimediatool
* Companion DVD includes the full Fedora Core ‚X’distribution-all the tools and source code on the multi-CDversion
Part I: Installing Fedora Core.
Chapter 1: And in the Opposite Corner . . . a Penguin?
Chapter 2: Paving the Way for Fedora Core.
Chapter 3: Ready, Set, Install!
Chapter 4: Getting to Know Fedora Core.
Part II: Got Net?
Chapter 5: Dull Dial-Up Modems Still Get the Job Done.
Chapter 6: Broadband Rocks!
Chapter 7: Connect Locally, Communicate Globally: Connecting toa LAN.
Chapter 8: Only You Can Prevent Bad Firewalls.
Part III: Linux, Huh! What Is It Good For? Absolutely Everything!
Chapter 9: Gnowing GNOME.
Chapter 10: Gnowing More Applications.
Chapter 11: Surfin‘ the Net and Using E-Mail.
Chapter 12: Using Audio and Video Applications.
Chapter 13: Going to the Open Office.
Chapter 14: The Days of Wine and Windows Applications.
Part IV: Revenge of the Nerds.
Chapter 15: Building Your Own Private Network.
Chapter 16: Creating Basic Linux Network Services.
Chapter 17: Securing Your Future.
Chapter 18: Bringing In the Fedora Core Repairman.
Chapter 19: Building a Streaming Audio Server.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 20: Ten Problem Areas and Solutions.
Chapter 21: Ten Security Vulnerabilities and Their Fixes.
Part VI: Appendixes.
Appendix A: Fedora Core Administration Utilities.
Appendix B: Discovering Your Hardware’s True Identity.
Appendix C: Filing Your Life Away.
Appendix D: Becoming a Suit: Managing the Linux File System.
Appendix E: Revving Up with RPM and YUM.
Appendix F: About the DVD.
Über den Autor
Jon ‚maddog‘ Hall, Executive Director of Linux International, is aworld-renowned Linux evangelist.
Paul G. Sery is a system administrator for Sandia National Laboratories, Inc.