The meso-level realm of social reality is structured by corporate and categoric units, along with their respective cultures. Unlike the macro and micro realms of social reality, the meso-level does not reveal its own unique forces. Rather, the dynamics of meso-structures and cultures are driven by macro- and micro-level forces pushing on individual and collective actors as they build corporate units and develop parameters defining membership in particular social categories.
Acknowledgements.- Preface.- Chapter 1. The Meso-level Realm of Social Reality.- Chapter 2. Macrodynamic Environments of the Meso Realm.- Chapter 3. Micro Environments of the Meso Realm.- Chapter 4. The Dynamics of Categoric Units.- Chapter 5. The Dynamics of Groups.- Chapter 6. The Dynamics of Organizations.- Chapter 7. The Dynamics of Communities.- Chapter 8. Meso-Level Social Change.- Chapter 9. Principles of Mesodynamics.- References.
Über den Autor
Jonathan H.Turner is Distinguished Professor of Sociology. He received his Ph D from Cornell University in 1968, and since the 1969-1970 academic year, he has been at UCR. Within the discipline, he is known primarily as a general theorist, although he has a number of more subtantive specialities, including: the sociology of emotions, ethnic relations, social institututions, social stratification, and bio-sociology. He has been Faculty Research Lecturer at UCR, and in the profession, he has been president of the Pacific Sociological Association and California Sociological Association. He is also a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has lectured widely all over the world, and he has been a visiting professor at Cambridge University, UK, Universitat Bremen, Germany, Universitat Bielefeld, German, Shandong University and Nan Kai University, Peoples Republic at China.