En la cultivada y supercivilizada Viena, una ciudad única en el mundo, se forma Zweig, uno de los más populares escritores de este curioso período comprendido entre las dos guerras mundiales.
A causa de sus ideas pacifistas, se exilió durante la primera guerra mundial en Zurich y Salzburgo. Tras casarse con su secretaria, se establece en Inglaterra, aunque a poco de estallar la segunda guerra mundial tuvo que buscar refugio al otro lado del Atlántico, en Brasil.
Convencido de la definitiva destrucción de los valores culturales y espirituales europeos bajo la bota totalitaria del nazismo, se quitó la vida junto a su esposa en Río de Janeiro en el año 1942.
11 Ebooks von Jose Fernandez
Detlef Wolf & José Fernández: Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism, and Climate Change
Most of the papers in this book were presented at the workshop on ‚Deformation and Gravity Change: Indicators of Isostasy, Tectonics, Volcanism and Climate Change‘, which took place at the Casa de lo …
Antonio G. Camacho & Jesús I. Díaz: Earth Sciences and Mathematics, Volume I
A Complutense International Seminar on ‚Earth Sciences and Mathematics‘ was organised and held in Madrid at the Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid September, 13 …
Antonio G. Camacho & Jesús I. Díaz: Earth Sciences and Mathematics, Volume II
A Complutense International Seminar on ‚Earth Sciences and Mathematics‘ was organised and held in Madrid at the Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in September …
Bleddyn Davies & Jose Fernandez: Community Care in England and France
First published in 1998, the aims of this book are: the comparison of community care service and financing systems, the comparison of reform arguments and history over the last decade, the comparison …
Bleddyn Davies & Jose Fernandez: Community Care in England and France
First published in 1998, the aims of this book are: the comparison of community care service and financing systems, the comparison of reform arguments and history over the last decade, the comparison …
Bleddyn Davies & Jose Fernandez: Equity and Efficiency Policy in Community Care
This title was first published in 2000: Equity and Efficiency Policy provides a completely new perspective on post-reform community care, analyzes its fairness, effectiveness and efficiency in a new …
Bleddyn Davies & Jose Fernandez: Equity and Efficiency Policy in Community Care
This title was first published in 2000: Equity and Efficiency Policy provides a completely new perspective on post-reform community care, analyzes its fairness, effectiveness and efficiency in a new …
Jose Fernandez: Geodetic And Geophysical Effects Associated With Seismic And Volcanic Hazards
Although geodetic monitoring techniques have been widely used in areas of seismic or volcanic activity, the difficulty inherent to their discrete nature means that they must be deployed carefully to …
Stefan Zweig: Magallanes
En 1518, un cuarto de siglo después de Cristóbal Colón, un exiliado portugués, Magallanes, logró convencer al rey de España, Carlos I, de que le proporcionara una flota con el fin de explorar el mar …
Amelia Pilar Rauter & Thisbe Lindhorst: Carbohydrate Chemistry
In this volume, glycochemistry and glycobiology have been combined to demonstrate the contribution of organic chemistry, modern analytics, biological and biochemical expertise to the increasingly imp …
JUAN HERRERA & JOSÉ FERNÁNDEZ: Estática para ingeniería
Este libro tiene como objetivo acercar al alumno a los fundamentos de la Estática, parte de la Mecánica general que estudia el comportamiento de los cuerpos en reposo, abordando su estudio y análisis …