Autor: Jose Luis Guasch

Jose Luis Guasch, a Ph D in Economics from Stanford University, USA and Engineer form the Polytechnical University of Barcelona, Spain, is  a renowned international expert in logistic and  public-private-partnerships (PPP) currently assisting countries and lecturing on international conferences on improving countries logistic and PPP platforms. He is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of California, San Diego (USA). Previously, he was for many years Head of the World Bank Global Expert Group in PPP and Logistics as well as Senior Regional Advisor for the Latin America and Caribbean Region of the World Bank in Washington, D.C., were he was  responsible for the areas of competitiveness, regulation, logistics,  infrastructure, innovation and technological development. He has advised over 80 countries particularly on Logistic and  PPP. and has published extensively on those themes. 

2 Ebooks von Jose Luis Guasch

Pablo Fajnzylber & Jose Luis Guasch: Does the Investment Climate Matter?
Although the Latin American region’s growth rates are at a three decade high, they have been historically disappointing in relative terms, which cannot be dissociated from the microeconomic environme …
Jose Luis Guasch: Interventions to Reduce Logistic Costs for Trade Competitiveness and Poverty
Logistics are a critical element for country competitiveness and economic performance, including poverty reduction. Most emerging countries such as Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Carib …