Series Introduction; Foreword; Section 1: Researching Living Practices; 1. Researching Living Practices: Trends in Creative Qualitative Research; 2. Researching i...
Series Introduction; Foreword; Section 1: Researching Living Practices; 1. Researching Living Practices: Trends in Creative Qualitative Research; 2. Researching in Wicked Practice Spaces: Artistry as a Way of Researching the Unknown in Practice; 3. Creating Spaces to Bring Research into Living Practice; Section 2: Doing Creative Research; 4. Creative Research Landscapes and Gardens: Reviewing Options and Opportunities; 5. Boundary Riding and Shaping Research Spaces; 6. Developing Critical Reflection as a Research Method; 7. Bringing Merleau Ponty’s Inspirations to the Doing of Research; 8. Embodiment in Research Practices: The Body in Qualitative Research; 9. Creative and Visual Methods to Facilitate Reflection and Learning Through Research; 10. Creative Research Re-Presentations; 11. Re-Inscribing Gender into the Heritage of OT in Australia: “The Sock Knitter”; 12. Envisioning Visual Research Strategies; 13. Photoelicitation Interview Methods and Research with Children: Possibilities, Pitfalls and Ethical Considerations; 14. The Gendered Battlefield: Creating Feminist Spaces in Military Places; Section 3: Being a Creative Researcher; 15. Living Research Practices: Being in Creative Spaces; 16. Being Me: In Search of Authenticity; 17. Learning to be a Researcher: Bridging the Gap between Research and Creativity; 18. Embodying Creative Imagination and Expression in Qualitative Research; 19. Liberating Research Mentoring: Reflecting, Re-Visioning, Re-Creating; 20. Living Ethical Practice in Qualitative Research; Section 4: Co-Creating Qualitative Research in Creative Spaces; 21. Collaborative Inquiry: Reciprocity and Authenticity; 22. Innovative Ways of Analysing Data with Practitioners as Co-Researchers: Dancing Outside the Ballroom; 23. Telling People’s Stories: Creating Authentic Approaches; 24. Playing Creative Edges: Reflections from “Women Out to Lunch” 5 Years on; 25. Creative Partnerships in Research Degree Programs: Towards Collaborative Realisations; 26. Inclusive Participatory Action Research: Rights, Camera, Action!; Section 5: Becoming Transformed Through Creative Research; 27. Our Journeys of Becoming Authentic Researchers: Becoming Transformed though Critical Creative Research; 28. From Practice to Research and Back Again: Living Transformations; 29. Journeys of Meaning Making: Through Transformation, Illumination, Shared Action and Liberation; Contributors