Written over the course of twenty years, the essays brought together here highlight and analyze tensions confronted by writers, scholars, activists, politicians, and political prisoners fighting racism and sexism. Focusing on the experiences of black women calling attention to and resisting social injustice, the astonishing scale of mass and politically driven imprisonment in the United States, and issues relating to government and civic powers in American democracy, Joy James gives voice to people and ideas persistently left outside mainstream progressive discourse—those advocating for the radical steps necessary to acknowledge and remedy structural injustice and violence, rather than merely reforming those existing structures.
Foreword by Beverly Guy-Sheftall
Part I. Feminist Race Theory
1. Teaching Theory, Talking Community
2. Politicizing the Spirit: Toni Morrison
3. Black Feminism in Liberation Limbos
4. Resting in Gardens, Battling in Deserts: Black Women’s Activism
5. Radicalizing Black Feminism
6. Angela Y. Davis: Liberation Praxis
7. Assata Shakur and Black Female Agency
Part II. Democracy and Captivity
8. Democracy and Captivity
9. Black Suffering in Search of the “Beloved Community”
10. American Prison Notebooks
11. Violations
12. War, Dissent, and Social Justice
13. Academia, Activism, and Imprisoned Intellectuals
Part III. Sovereign Political Subjects
14. Activist Scholars or Radical Subjects?
15. Campaigns Against Blackness
16. Sovereign Kinship and the President Elect
17. The Dead Zone
18. Racism, Genocide, and Resistance
19. “All Power to the People!”: Arendt’s Communicative Power in Racial Democracy
Über den Autor
Joy James is Presidential Professor of the Humanities at Williams College. Her many books include
Warfare in the American Homeland: Policing and Prison in a Penal Democracy;
The New Abolitionists: (Neo)Slave Narratives and Contemporary Prison Writings, also published by SUNY Press; and
Imprisoned Intellectuals: America’s Political Prisoners Write on Life, Liberation, and Rebellion.