Autor: Juan Rodríguez

Dr. Pierre Ramos is a Physical Engineer and Doctor in Physics from the Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria in Lima, Peru. He currently works as a Researcher in the Thin Films Laboratory at the Faculty of Sciences of the same university. Additionally, he serves as an analyst at the Center for the Development of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (CEMAT) and teaches part-time at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. As a CONCYTEC Researcher (Level IV), Dr. Ramos specializes in fabricating and characterizing nanomaterials using various methods. His research focuses on applying these materials for environmental purposes, particularly in advanced oxidation processes like heterogeneous photocatalysis for wastewater treatment. He is the author and co-author of twelve indexed international publications and holds one patent of invention. Dr. Ramos actively participates as a Co-Investigator and evaluator of national and international research projects, contributing significantly to the progress and understanding of advanced materials, particularly in their application within the environmental sector. Dr. Luis Sanchez is a Physics Engineer and Ph.D. in Physics from the National University of Engineering in Lima, Peru. He is an Associate Professor at the National University of Engineering and is qualified as a CONCYTEC researcher by the Peruvian Council for Science and Technology (Level IV). Dr. Sanchez is the author and co-author of fifteen indexed international publications and two book chapters. He specializes in the synthesis and characterization of advanced nanotechnological materials using a variety of techniques. His research focuses on environmental applications of these materials, particularly in advanced oxidation processes such as heterogeneous photocatalysis for wastewater treatment and capacitive deionization (CDI) for seawater and brackish desalination. Dr. Juan Rodriguez is a physicist and Principal Professor at the National University of Engineering. He is a member of the Peruvian National Academy of Sciences and a Distinguished Researcher recognized by the Peruvian Council for Science and Technology. Dr. Rodriguez is dedicated to the development and characterization of advanced nanotechnological materials, as well as the development and construction of prototypes for water disinfection and contaminant removal. He is the author and co-author of 68 indexed international publications and has reviewed and edited numerous works. Additionally, he holds four patents in the area of water purification. Dr. Rodriguez has coordinated and evaluated national and international research projects and has over 15 years of experience advising students and teaching Master and Ph D courses. Nine of his M.Sc. and three Ph.D. students have defended their theses under his guidance. He has authored eight chapters in national and international books and has been an invited speaker at more than 50 international conferences. Dr. Rodriguez has been the recipient of several awards, including the CONCYTEC 2004, MERCOSUR 2006, INNOTEC 2012, and Elsevier Excellence Award – 2018. Since December 2020 and up to june 2021, he has served as the Executive Director of the National Program for Scientific Research and Advanced Studies (PROCIENCIA).

7 Ebooks von Juan Rodríguez

Juan Rodriguez: The City of Refuge
After the epic battle with the Shermanites at the end of the previous novel, the Pope Sherman is after them. They have to head out of the country and make it to Australia which is the only safe place …
Juan Rodriguez: Are You the Superior Being?
The story begins with Veronica. She is a singer working for a rebellious organization fixed on deterring the Australian Pope’s plans. She is living with her fiance and brother. The company finds that …
Juan Rodriguez: The Arcanus Door
Veronica crash landed on earth all alone with her new found powers. She does a lot of self-reflecting and then goes on her journey to find Celsta. Jessica is guiding Celsta and planning her wedding w …
Juan Rodriguez: The Tree of Life
Veronica establishes a religious empire that is ruling over what’s left of the world. She creates other beings like herself, which she adopts as children. After training them and teaching them how to …
Juan Rodríguez: La Belleza del Arte
INTRODUCCIÓN Este libro contiene artículos referentes al paso de quien escribe por algunas de las principales ciudades del mundo y sus recintos artísticos más representativos. Pasando desde Italia, F …
Juan Rodriguez: Musings of a Dignified Prisoner
Musings of a Dignified Prisoner is a collection of the authors‘ (a former correctional inmate) deepest ponderings of our Creator. Forced into isolation (jail within a jail) due to God-orchestrated ci …
Pierre Ramos & Luis Sánchez: Enhancing Photocatalytic Water Decontamination
The book reviews the fundamentals of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) technologies to degrade hazardous organics via photocatalysis of 1-dimensional zinc-oxide (Zn O). One-dimensional Zn O nanorod …